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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

lawsuit against the Fed

 I am thinking of filing wrongful death suit against the US government. In the late War For Southern Independence, my family lost four of seven brothers who marched off with the 16th Georgia Volunteer Infantry, to join up to Longstreet's Brigade, of Lee's much acclaimed Army of Northern Virginia. One fell at Gettysburg; one of eight Confederate graves left in the park boundaries. One fell at Petersburg. Two later fell at Chickamauga. Of the three survivors two were badly maimed and the last survivor fell to disease.
Now, if people want reparations for something that ended 150 years ago (meaning they ain't ever been slaves) and I promise I ain't ever owned one. I want money for my family's loss. Not a single one of them owned slaves. They did not march off to war to protect slavery. They, like most of Volunteer Confederate soldiers, were fighting to defend their homeland. The average family farmer was fighting against unfair shipping tariffs on the Mississippi. Also, loyalty to your State was fundamental. If you were a Georgian and your governor said that Georgia was going to war against ANYONE....You were there with no questions asked. 
Southern cotton fed the industrial revolution in the North, and in the South, the cotton gin was reducing the numbers of slaves needed to do the labor intensive deseeding the cotton boles. Slavery was already being phased out in the South.  The North wanted more cotton but not wanting to pay. The tariff on the Mississippi was in place to keep the cotton from going to New Orleans and then to the markets in Europe, cutting out the Northern industrialist middle man
The Northern Armies, under Good Old Honest Abe, killed my family members...

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