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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Gun control

 President Barack Obama moved Monday to expand background checks to cover more guns sold at gun shows, online and anywhere else, aiming to curb a scourge of gun violence using unilateral executive action to bypass unyielding opposition in Congress.
Obama’s plan to broaden background checks forms the centerpiece of a broader package of measures the president plans to take on his own on gun control in his final year in office.
Although Obama can’t unilaterally change gun laws, the president is hoping that beefing up enforcement of existing laws can prevent at least some gun deaths in a country rife with them.
“This is not going to solve every violent crime in this country,” Obama said. Still, he added, “It will potentially save lives and spare families the pain of these extraordinary losses.”
Under current law, only federally licensed gun dealers must conduct background checks on buyers, but many who sell guns at flea markets, on websites or other informal settings don’t register as dealers. Gun control advocates say that loophole is exploited to skirt the background check requirement.
Tell Congress you don't give a sh*t what they say, you are going to protect your home and family.

I am holding nothing back, so BEWARE! No more Mr. nice guy, no more politically correct sweetness, no more kum-ba-yah weenie roast campfires, and no more dead-end arm-chair generals because it is time for war!

I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!

 Concerned citizens and conservatives all recognize what is happening in America. It is a bygone conclusion the Government has become adversarial and not to our enemies but to American citizens! What would George Washington do if he were alive today? I would suspect he and his army would be armed and prepared to protect citizen life, and property.
A Naked America is what Barack Obama and his liberal socialists have worked so hard to achieve these past eight years, and right now he is within 94 % of his goal. The socialist cabal is stripping our beloved country naked of any means to defend ourselves, and all in the name of the Global Good. If We The People were to stand naked before the world, those who cry 'peace' will rape and behead us, stealing America's wealth and forcing the survivors to bow down to their false gods. To that I say: "HELL NO! 

What would George Washington do if he would be ordered to lick the booths of a domestic enemy? Would he surrender his arms and trust the very people who disarmed him to protect his home and family?

You know the one, Founding Father, General of the Continental Army who marched his men bloody in the snow without shoes, fought and mercilessly killed the enemy, thereby defeating the greatest military in the world. Yup, that one. What would he say, and more importantly what would he do when told to surrender his guns and to shut up and sit down? General Washington would resist to his death. Should we be any different?

Listen up. The American people finally get it. If disarmed, the only people with guns will be the ones we surrendered the guns & ammo to (along with the criminals)! America would be constitutionally naked, stripped and completely vulnerable.

Here's the poison of the secret agenda of the Obama cabal:

Agenda: Bring America down for the global good
Result: Plunging America into a 3rd world pigsty 
Agenda: No vetting of terrorists, free unchecked entrance into the heartland of America
Result: Infiltrate and destroy the will of the people to resist by any means
Agenda: Grab all guns & ammo from the American people
Result: American people will be defenseless and constitutionally naked
Agenda: Ignite elements to raise up, riot and destroy society
Result: Forced dependency on Federal Police Power
✔ Agenda: Paint State and local police as evil and killers of the innocent
Result: Enforcement impossible. Federal Police will be the only authority. 

Believe it. The end game is to make the citizenry unable to fight back against the coming changes Obama had created. The change is to install a totalitarian form of government, thereby extinguishing America by any means necessary... and all in the name of the 'global good'. Obama is going down in history as the president that ended America.

Since Obama will not go to war with Islamic terrorists but instead insists on bringing those same terrorists here, war in our streets is inevitable.

It doesn't stop there - The liberal socialists view America with vile hatred and disdain, falsely claiming America is an Imperial power abusing the world while hoarding their ill-gotten booty stolen from poor families. Our children are being taught that America is nothing more than a greedy colonial power, stepping on the necks of the sick and crushing the poor. They claim American industry is driven by filthy dollars, and that all-powerful America must be taught a lesson by bringing her down to her knees and made to pay for her past sins. America must be disarmed and placed into forced dependency by the very Federal Police who are poised to grab our guns & ammo and freedom... and all this for the global good!

Frankly, to the liberal socialist gun & ammo grabbers I say: FUCK YOU! America rules! The Tea Party is not backing down, and you know it's true! The Tea Party is fighting back just like we did in 1773 and there may be blood. We have elected hundreds of candidates and changed countless pieces of legislation. That is all find and dandy, but now it is time to 'man-up!'

Message to the RINO cowards in Congress: give me your pansy excuse that it won't work. Listen you morons, if we do nothing then we have only ourselves to blame when our guns & ammo are grabbed and our freedom along with them. Listen up! We must fight to the last man or live as cowards. Got it?

Here is a letter to cut and paste to your Congressmen!

It's time to stand firm and hold the line!
Don't forget our servicemen/service women!

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