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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bildeberg and Immunization

      Bilderberg and    



          This blog is my research on this controversial topic: immunization, should we or should we not? This is a tough question for many people. My oldest grandson had to get an immunization shot yesterday. He will be three years old, is already in school for a few hours each week, and there it comes, the barrage of immunizations. Has anyone else thought this is wrong; that the government can tell us we have to go get juiced up with God only knows what!

      You all know I have some off the wall theories about government intrusions into our lives more and more every week. Every week they take a little at a time. The news channels will tell us each week about the president signing a new bill that takes away a little more. Look at NYC; they have passed laws on food consumption, no drinks over 16 oz allowed to be sold if they contain sugar, and a limit on trans-fats. How did they do that? They just said we think this is for the public’s health, FOR OUR SAFETY!

      But we are here to discuss immunizing the public, why? There it is once again, FOR OUR OWN SAFETY! I feel it is part of being a human being that you not contaminate the rest of the world with a new virus. But think back, these diseases/viruses have been put into our homes slowly. The main stream media, once again, slip it to you in the middle of the program, and then the CDC (Center for Disease Control), the name alone scares me! Disease CONTROL! Ever wonder how AIDS exploded on the scene so quickly? Then it suddenly is not talked about, in the main stream world anymore.

     Bird Flu, it is getting stronger and stronger due to the antibiotics that doctors hand out like it was a piece of candy! So, FOR YOUR SAFETY, they need to give you this Flu Shot. If you are a diabetic they are going to give you the flu shot and a pneumonia shot. Which I was given the PNUEMONIA SHOT earlier this year, and ended up with pneumonia. I asked why I had pneumonia after getting the shot; the doctor said it was a different kind of pneumonia.

     This is the “OFFICIAL” description of the flu and the ingredients in the flu vaccination:

     The flu is a contagious respiratory infection that can produce anything from a mild illness to death. Getting the flu shot can reduce your risk of getting the flu by 70 to 90 percent. However, the vaccine is not for everyone, especially people with a history of certain kinds of allergies. Knowing the ingredients of the flu shot can help you and your doctor decide whether vaccination is right for you.


     The seasonal flu shot is a "trivalent" vaccine, which means it contains three influenza viruses. Although the individual strains vary each year, the types of strains selected for the vaccine usually consist of an influenza A strain, an H1N1 strain (not the pandemic 2009 strain) and an influenza B strain. In 2009, the Food and Drug Administration also approved a "monovalent," or single strain, vaccine designed exclusively to combat the pandemic H1N1 strain.

Growth Medium

Fertilized chicken eggs are used as the growth medium for influenza virus, and trace amounts of egg white protein (ovalbumin) are reported in each of the 2009-2010 vaccines. All but two manufacturers (Sanofi Pasteur and ID Biomedical) used antibiotics to prevent bacterial contamination of the chicken eggs. The specific antibiotics used include kanamicin, gentamicin, neomycin and polymixin B. People with egg and antibiotic allergies should read the manufacturer's product literature prior to receiving a flu shot.


     Once the virus has been allowed to replicate in chicken eggs, it must be recovered. This step involves the addition of chemical detergents. Examples of detergents used in the 2009-2010 vaccine include sodium taurodeoxycholate, polyethylene glycol p-isooctylphenyl ether and octoxynol-10. These are usually measured in terms of parts per million. Each manufacturer specifies the type and maximum concentration of the chemicals used in its brand.

Inactivating Agents

     According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the viruses in the flu shot are "inactivated," which means that they are no longer capable of causing infection. Technically, viruses are never alive, so they cannot be "killed" as bacteria are. Vaccines approved for the 2009-2010 flu season used beta-propionolactone or formaldehyde derivatives to inactivate the virus. Each manufacturer's product literature specifies exact agent used and the maximum concentration present in the final dose.

Buffer Solution

     According to the FDA and manufacturers' product literature, H1N1/09 and seasonal flu injection vaccines are suspended in sterile phosphate-buffered salt solutions with a pH and concentration similar to the fluid that surrounds the cells in the human body. Other ingredients of the buffer solution may include gelatin, arginine and sucrose. Gelatin from pigs is used as a stabilizer. Arginine is an amino acid component of protein. Sucrose is common table sugar.



     All FDA-approved multi-dose vials of seasonal and H1N1 vaccine contain thimerisol, a mercury-containing compound used a preservative. A flu shot dispensed from a multi-dose vial contains about 25 micrograms (0.000025 g) of mercury as thimerisol. The manufacturer's product insert will always confirm the presence and quantity of mercury for a specific product.

     Let’s see we have mercury, 25 micrograms; sucrose, Pure sugar; as preservatives. Then we have the buffer solutions gelatin is from pigs and is a stabilizer; sucrose, more sugar; arginine, an amino acid component of protein. The viruses in the flu shot are "inactivated they are no longer able to cause infection, yet most times when you get the shot you still get the flu! We also have beta-propionlactone or formaldehyde derivatives to inactivate the virus. FORMALDEHYDE!!!! I believe this is part of the UN population control.

     These viruses are stronger each year because they become antibiotic resistant. The flu virus is grown in a chicken egg and treated with three antibiotics to prevent contamination by bacteria. So that means that you are getting the extra antibiotics also.  


     "The 'victory over epidemics' was not won by medical science or by doctors--and certainly not by vaccines.....the decline...has been the result of technical, social and hygienic improvements and especially of improved nutrition. Here the role of the potato...deserves special mention.....Consider carefully whether you want to let yourself or your children undergo the dangerous, controversial, ineffective and no longer necessary procedure called vaccination, because the claim that vaccinations are the cause for the decline of infectious diseases is utter nonsense."--The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures) ---Dr. Med. G. Buchwald ISBN 3-8334-2508-3 page 108.

     The vaccination myth is the most widespread superstition modern medicine has managed to impose, but, being by the same token the most profitable, it will prove to be also one of the most enduring, though there was never the slightest of scientific evidence upholding it. Suffice it to say now that the various epidemics have experienced in all countries the same natural evolution of growth, decline, and eventual disappearance, whether vaccination or other therapies had been introduced or not. The only demonstrable effects were the widespread damages caused by the various vaccinations, none excluded. Most paediatricians do not vaccinate their own children, although they cannot refuse to vaccinate their clients' children, if they want to retain their licence to practice.
     So it can safely be predicted that the advertised belief in the alleged blessings of vaccination will be among the last deadly rites of Modern Medicine to go, because it is far too profitable to the medical combine to be allowed to go without a bitter struggle, of which the beginnings can increasingly be seen today, but which will certainly drag on into the coming century. It is indeed so profitable - to Industry and State - that it is incentivised by being offered, or imposed, in many cases free of charge. But in truth, who gets the bill? The taxpayer, of course.

     "The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization.....There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease."--Dr Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

     "...forced me to look into the question of vaccination further, and the further I looked the more shocked I became. I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instances of these diseases you will realize that this is not so."--Dr Kalokerinos MD (International Vaccine Newsletter June 1995)

Death rate decline. Believe it or not, there isn't any evidence that vaccination reduced the death rate for any disease.

     "Nearly 90% of the total decline in the death rate in children between 1860 and 1965 due to whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization against diphtheria" (Powles, 1973)."

     "The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization.....There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease."--Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD

     Now it is pretty obvious MMR vaccine is killing more kids now than measles would be doing with or without the vaccine, as mmeasles deaths had declined by 99.4% before vaccination!

     Vaccination is being sold as the main factor in reducing measles deaths--hands up all those who thought vaccination was the main or only factor, in the reduction of measles deaths?

     Right here you can forget anything else about vaccination and ask yourself, where is the benefit? Take a long time to think about that one.

      "Smallpox was on the way out; indeed epidemics disappeared decades before the WHO decided to conduct the final "eradication" campaign. It is also well-documented that the largest epidemics occurred in the most highly vaccinated populations, while whose who were unvaccinated, did not have the same epidemics. "--Dr. Viera Scheibner


       Now, we know that immunization causes more disease than non-immunization. Hell, small pox was on the way out when they started vaccinating for small pox. So, why are we vaccinating? Population control. Have you ever heard of the Bilderberg Group? Probably not! Why not? They are “the people who control the world!” They control the who, what, when, and where of all governments. They control everything! They claim that they are not secret, just private. They control the money, they control the food, and they control everything. They are a group of elite power brokers. They even control who will live and who will die.

     Their latest plot is to slowly reduce the population of the world. It is a genocidal holocaust. I know it’s hard to believe but I am here to tell you what we are now learning about this group and their ties to the immunization plot to cause disease to control the population.

I know we’ve all heard this kind of stuff before, but this information has been brought to the attention of those who are listening and watching by a man on the inside of the Bilderberg Group.

     The name comes from a hotel in the Netherlands, where this group of power brokers meets, annually. The first meeting was in 1954. They meet in private and the exact purpose has never been fully explained. They meet for three days and never explain the subjects of discussion. The people who meet are the most powerful people in Europe and North America. They are destined to rule all of the resources on the planet. They are more powerful than any nation on the planet. They are members of European royalty, European parliament, European commissioners, President of the European Central Bank, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, the Federal Reserve, the top 50 CEOs of the most powerful corporations in the world, and the leaders of the world’s main stream media.

     The way it works is that there are 120 people and they break into 6 groups of 20 and they discuss current issues, in the morning, then in the afternoon they discuss these issues as a general assembly. These 120 people rule the world. The inner circle of the Bilderberg Group has been around for centuries. They came about after the 4th Crusade, they were called the Venetian Royalty Bloc and they are all wealthy. But money is only as useful as the power it can bring. These are the puppet masters. They tell every country how they are going to treat their citizens. This isn’t a tin foil hat matter. THIS IS REAL! LOOK IT UP for yourself. These are the people who came up with the propaganda of immunization. They tell us how badly we need the vaccinations to stop the spread of disease. In reality the people who have a weak antibody system will contract the disease because they have allowed the doctors and government to inject them with the disease. Now think about it, do you really think it is healthy to inject yourself with a disease to fight that disease? When you really think about it, it makes absolutely no sense. Inject diseases into your body to fight off that disease?

     This group decided on the date of the invasion of Iraq. They set oil prices, arranged the economic collapse. They even gave Barrack Obama their blessing to run for president. Obama and Hillary attended the Bilderberg meeting in 2008. They are out to start a One World Government with a single constitution that will over-ride the US constitution. The US is the last bastion of hope for the world. Not only do they think we have too many freedoms but they also think there are too many of us to control. So they want to start eliminating people, especially people that know what is going on. They don’t need 7 billion people here; they only need enough people to work the fields and the factories. They don’t want us to have growth and they are out there to destroy us. In 1996 they attempted to kill the people who were investigating them.

     Surveillance videos from past meetings showed some big named people in attendance. People like David Rockefeller, Tim Geitner who is our current Treasury Secretary, Henry Kissinger; Queen Beatrice of the Netherlands, Bill Clinton’s attorney, and that is just the tip of the iceberg, Condolesa Rice, Tom Dashell, Prince Charles. The question is who is leading these meetings. They are from all different walks of life, media, politics, business, bankers, oil, who knows what.

     These meetings have been infiltrated by some that don’t agree with the group’s way of thinking. Jim Tucker, the veteran journalist, is one; he has been caught spying on their meetings. The goon squad, of the Bilderberg Group, have followed him and tried to intimidate him. He has been investigating the group since 1975. Jim has used the bus boys, maids, and other low level employees at the resorts for information. Tucker has photographed members of our State Department, Treasury Department, and Department of Defense at these meetings along with members of the White House staff all under a vow of secrecy. Isn’t this illegal? Doesn’t the Logan Act cover this? This is the Act that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. Lord Denis Healy, one of the founding members, says that “to say we are out to create one world government is exaggerated but not totally unfair,” He also said it was created because the governments of the world realized they could not keep fighting one another. Fighting wars that left millions homeless. It is the science of controlling populations, controlling information, becoming the map makers of the mind; they control the world through the media. It’s like a mafia committee meeting; they are meeting once a year to make decisions on world problems. The plan is a planetary government under which is the extermination of 80 percent of the world’s population. They are on the record saying this. They are so arrogant that they think the citizens of the world are too stupid to realize what they are up to. They are wanting to control the destiny of mankind, their blood lines, their families will be moved forward through life extension technology. They are trying to decide if they want to go with a “soft kill,” in which they go through the water source or if they want to go with a mass destruction, either way they want to rid the world of 4.5 million people.

     They are poisoning the world’s food supply, poisoning medicine like immunizations. If you look at history, plagues and famines just happen, pop up out of nowhere. The current thought is to target the human immune system. According to the Georgia Stonehenge, they want the world population at 500 million; the current population is at 7.5 billion. They need a mass kill off of the world’s population. This number is too hard to handle.

     We know, now, what they want, but we don’t know how they plan to get the population down to their goal. Writer David Icke suggests that there is a plan of attacking the world’s immune system currently underway. They are accomplishing their goal through a means of poisoning our food; through food and drink additives they are attacking the human immune system.

      Dr. Stanley Monteith, an authority on the world’s food supply, where it comes from and what is added to it. He states the additives are the killers. Aspartame, which is used as a sugar substitute, has been proven through many studies to be hazardous to human consumption. The FDA attempted to stop the usage of aspartame because of its health risks. Aspartame is made of aspartic acid and affects every organ in the human body and they know this. The manufacturer of aspartame is well aware that it should have never been put into our foods. It is very prominent in baby food. Dr. Monteith says these are evil and wicked people. Aspartame is available in most of the diet drinks we drink everyday i.e. diet Coke, diet Pepsi, etc.

     Dr. Monteith also states that they fluoridate water supply in 68% of our city’s water supply and about 90% use hydroflourosalisic acid. This is a substance that is taken from the chimneys of plants that produce fertilizers. This product is so hazardous that it can’t be put into a toxic dump without a great deal of money for a special permit, it can’t be dumped into a river because it contaminates the water, so they put it into our drinking water to poison our people. They know what they are doing because fluoride limits fertility, as does aspartame. So, yes, they are poisoning our people. This is not an imaginary battle!! It is being fought throughout the world, not just the United States. But, it will not be heard of from the main stream media because they are all owned by the Bilderberg Group and they have a different agenda for the world, and it includes population control.


     In Elberton, Georgia, stands the Georgia Guide Stones or, also known as the American Stonehenge. This mysterious monument was commissioned by a man who called himself R. C. Christian. His true identity is a mystery only known to the owner of the granite company which produced the stones, and is sworn to safety, almost as if his life depended on keeping this secret. The monument consists of six granite slabs with a message that is repeated in 8 different languages. It says in part: let all nations resolve disputes in a world court; unite humanity with a new language, and to maintain humanity at a population of 500 million. This message is literally written in stone. Monetary gain is only part of these people’s agenda. It is not just the food; it is the medicine as well.


     There is an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different types of medical treatments, mainly vaccines. We are seeing a medical tyranny setup, not just in the United States, but worldwide under the UN and the World Health Organization (WHO). Who is behind all this?  The Bilderberg Group is behind all of this, they want a planetary dictatorship so they can carry out their forced depopulation agenda, and they want to do it through the medical system. That’s why these vaccines are so important. We know that many of these vaccines have adverse medical effects and this is being done by design, they kill you slowly over time. This is why they are called “soft kills.”


     Dr. Rima Laibow, who has left the US because of fear of the police state; claims that in the very near future we will be facing compulsory vaccinations under the guise of “voluntary vaccination.” We are talking about things such as the swine flu. She claims that according to WHO, the world has a population that is 90% too large. The WHO has been working since 1974 on a vaccination that causes sterilization (I know people are going to think that I am crazy and wearing my tin foil hat, but I’m not.). This process is already ongoing. To make matters worse we know that the vaccines that were illegally approved by the FDA contain a substance called squaline. Squaline is an organic compound used in vaccines to stimulate the immune system and increase the response.  If you are injected with squaline your immune system will attack the squaline but then it starts to attack all the parts of your body. What does that look like when you meet someone that has already happened too? It looks like Gulf War Syndrome, looks like every joint in the body is swollen; it is intolerably painful, and immobilizing. It is administered through the vaccinations, not all of them, but a few. The US government has a trick up their sleeve. They will induce a pandemic using the nasal mist vaccine, which is a live intinuate virus. That means if I take it I can give it to you. It’s like if I am going to get the flu, everyone around me is going to get the flu. Then the US government will say we have a pandemic, much the way they are doing the bird flu this summer, and we don’t have enough doses so they will admix squaline at the 90,000 injection stations that the Department of Health and Human Services will announce that they will ship the vaccine to just as we saw people line up for the h1n1 vaccine. What that means is a holocaust, a genocidal holocaust. Men and women will sicken and die and those who survive will be infertile.

     If people start dying in mass waves, wouldn’t that cause a revolution, people standing up against the government? Briefly, until the 420,000 members of the US military swing into action. NORTHCOM, the Northern Military Command was recently devised to, among other things, relocate the US population in event of civil disorder or pandemics! What this means is that if you refuse these vaccinations the US government will place you into one of the FEMA concentration camps that are set up around this country.

     It has been revealed to Dr. Laibow, in 2003, by a patient who happens to be a head of state, that it is almost time for the GREAT CULLING. The GREAT CULLING is when you then the herd. Dr. Laibow asked what she was talking about, the patient said that it was when the “useless” eaters” the people who are consuming “our” non-renewable resources. When asked who makes the decision, she answered, we the aristocrats. THE BILDERBERGs? She said, no! According to this head of state, there is a council of seven men and they make decisions for long term happenings. They determine what they want to see happen. They decide which countries rise and which countries fail, which economies prosper. It is real important to understand that these people have no affiliation to any religion, no affiliation to any nation, and no affiliation to a political party. They set their own rules and their rules are not the ones that national institutions adhere to.

     These people are very powerful, but, they are not as powerful as WE THE PEOPLE are as an aggregate. They do not want us to know that we have that power.

     It has been rumored for years about the secret meeting of the elite and now we know that it is true. The Bilderbergs hold extreme power, but if we stand together they are powerless.








·         The Vaccination Nonsense (2004 Lectures)---Dr. med. G. Buchwald ISBN 3-8334-2508-3 page 108.

  • Ventura, Jesse


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