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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Is It A Police State Or Something Else????



          Did you know that there is a plan to eliminate the 50 states and divide the country into 10 prison states? And fill up concentration camps with regular folks like us? They are called residential centers, they are filled with families, but, they are fenced in a fashion meant to keep them in and not out! What about the CDC creating a pandemic? In this blog I want to talk about these Concentration Camps the US government denies they have, yet, they are in a bill that Congress has passed.

     There are stockpiles of plastic coffins spread out across the country, 100’s of thousand at each site. Now, why in the hell would you have that many coffins spread across the country? Because they are preparing for a pandemic to kill off a lot of citizens all at once.  

     I hear a lot of conspiracy theories about the US becoming a police state; most times it is only stories. Yet, every now and then, you do get the truth, and it is usually from the most unlikely sources. There is a story about a young lady from Missouri, Catherine Bleish, who was a victim of government profiling, due to her appearance with her teenager looking earrings, mini skirt, and piercings. She looks like anyone’s daughter, no reason for anyone to be harassing this young lady. She belongs to no subversive groups of any kind, never belonged to any group that the government would consider a threat, yet, she ended up on a government watch list. She had been a delegate for the state of Missouri, in support of Ron Paul in 2008. This was enough for the US government to label her a subversive (so all you Ron Paul supporters, this could be you).  All she did was campaign for a legitimate candidate, and ended up on a list of enemies of the state. Doesn’t our CONSTITUTION protect us from that, something called the 1st Amendment?

     After 9/11 the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department set up command centers across the US. They gather information from police departments, the NSA, and private sources, supposedly to protect us from terrorism (Once again, for YOUR SAFETY!).  These FUSION CENTERS, as they are called, seemed like a good idea, they combined local, state, and federal law enforcement to share their knowledge, share their abilities, to provide SAFETY TO US in case of a terrorist type situation. These Fusion Centers have police powers and have been accused of targeting all sorts of people, ordinary citizens who might be pro-life, pro-gun, member of a big church, support a third party, or just attend college, not terrorists.

     When Catherine started investigating these fusion centers, the powers that be were not friendly at all. In Missouri, when she showed up at Governor Nixon’s office, to submit an Open Records Request, she was thrown out by a State Trooper who falls under the DHS. It’s the same old thing, when the government says they are going to PROTECT you, GET READY because you are going to lose your freedoms! I would rather have the freedom than the government’s protection. If you have your freedom you can protect yourself.

     There are 72 FUSION CENTERS in the US and they coordinate information from the CIA, FBI, State police, and local police. And get this, there is no oversight. They can and do pretty much as they wish! They have been sued, they are supposed to be watching for terrorists, yet, they are arresting protestors, and conspiracy theorist. I guess that confirms it, I can throw my tin foil hat away; I am on someone’s watch list. (I SALUTE YOU that are watching me, just doing your job to PROTECT US!) Obama’s Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstine, wrote a report that says we should ban conspiracy theorists altogether. They are free to collect information on individuals in their area by the “NORMAL” means of collecting info.

     In Austin, Texas, there is an underground fusion center watchdog group, Operation Defuse, led by John Bush. Bush describes it as a movement of individuals whose purpose is to educate activists and the American public about the growing threat of the fusion center. Bush also says that Operation Defuse has seen that law enforcement officials believe that anyone who seeks to challenge the status quo could potentially be a violent threat. There has been information leaked out that, yes, they do target groups that have a different political view. They are here now; the THOUGHT POLICE! Now you can be arrested for how you think, what you buy, what you read, and who you associate with.

     They have started a SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY REPORTING PROGRAM. Now, if you piss your neighbor off or your dog craps in their yard, they can report you to the fusion center (1-877-509-CIAC (2422)), and then they are putting you on a watch list. Taking photographs, videotaping, drawing diagrams, and expressing extreme views are all on the suspicious activities list.  All protest organizers are run through their data base. Isn’t that 1st Amendment activity?

     They take a government supplied profile and compare it next to you. This keeps a lot of people out of politics because they don’t want to be spied on. People are afraid that they will be viewed as a terrorist because of their involvement with a certain group. They are profiling anybody and everybody that


     The presence of the MILITARY in these fusion centers is something to be concerned with; after all, the next step is Martial law.  The military moving in and taking over our streets and stomping all over our civil rights. Arrests without charges, curfews, etc.

     Lance Clem is the DHS spokesperson in Colorado says that the fusion centers’ job is putting together pieces of information. They collect all types of information “and fuse them together.” That “it may or may not be intelligence.” Clem also states, “We don’t watch people, we do watch trends.” The federal government does not manage these centers nor do they oversee them. Now that is some scary stuff.


     Alex Jones claims that the fusion centers are really command and control centers for concentration camps being set up and expanded for American families. During the Reagan administration, Colonel Oliver North cooked up REX 84.   

     Abraham Lincoln signed the first Executive Order suspending habeas corpus at the start of the War of Northern Aggression. At the start of WW II, FDR had all Japanese-Americans interned into concentration camps, over 100,000 held without due process. A lot of them date back to Kennedy during the Cold War. The latest is dated January 11, 2010, established a council of governors. The COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS consists of nine state governors and one from Puerto Rico; in case of a national emergency they will break the country into 10 Federal states to be controlled by these 10 governors. They can then use military power to enforce the law.


     The RESIDENTIAL CENTERS are enclosed with double rows of fencing and concertina wire to keep people in, floodlights, and right in front of the main entrance are railroad tracks like Nazi, Germany. Halliburton hold contracts to not only hold immigrants but also political dissidents. They are calling these prisons RESIDENTIAL CENTERS because they are designed to hold whole families. They are definitely built to keep people in not to keep people out. There are over 800 of these camps identified so far.

     The bill HR 645 allows for these camps and that the head of DHS will be in charge. What starts as a police state conspiracy turns into a concentration camp conspiracy. There are already families living in one in Texas. Halliburton received $385 million to build these centers. The trail always ends at Halliburton.

     These camps fall under FEMA control. The federal agency that supposed to help us in a time of a crisis but they are now ready to round us up like cattle. FEMA already has the country divided into the ten “Emergency” states, and they match almost perfectly with the Council of Governors have them divided out. Then, you have the stacks of plastic caskets. These are stored in each of the ten states; they are in the 10’s of thousand at each site. They are designed to hold as many as three adults. One of the casket drop sites is just 50 miles from where the CDC (Center for Disease Control) is located. Coincidence? Maybe! Maybe! But, probably, not a coincidence. They have a surplus of plastic body bags stashed around the countryside.

     This would be a great site for them to start a pandemic by releasing infected insects and birds out into the natural populations and give it a month; there will be a pandemic of bird flu. This will be all the excuse they need to declare MARTIAL LAW! Now add in the NDAA and you will have citizens disappear. Where will they be? One of three places, 1) in an indoctrination camp! The government doesn’t have to tell anyone shit about what happened. 2) In a mass grave. Be prepared that is going to be a real possibility. 3) Missing. Not knowing where you are is the worse feeling.

     There are documents showing that the CDC has been made ready for a mass die off. Hundreds of thousand or even a billion deaths in a very short time. It reminds you of all the different flu’s that come out every year. How quickly these viruses kill people. With all of the outbreaks and vaccinations and how simple it would be for all of the powerbrokers and elites to put the plan into action.

     WHY?  Why do our Congressmen feel that we need CONCENTRATION CAMPS for ordinary citizens? They put right in a Congressional Bill HR645! A co-sponsor of the bill was Jim Gerlach, of Pennsylvania, will not discuss the issue. Congressman Steve Cohen, of Tennessee, also a co-sponsor, decided to talk about the bill.  He was asked why we would need these camps, his response: “We wouldn’t because they don’t exist. It’s just a figment of the concerns some people have. Maybe Martians or some other creature are coming to infiltrate our society. Thinking such camps…there are no such things.” Then he is asked why was it put in that bill? Then there are no camps anywhere in America? “No, there aren’t.”

     This man is a co-sponsor of the bill HR645, yet, he needs a copy of the bill so he can see what is in the bill. He can’t even say the number of the bill. Why does this bill state there would be 6 FEMA camps built in the US, yet he still claims that there are none? Then he suddenly has an epiphany and says he thinks he recalls that these camps are in case of another disaster like Katrina. The bill that he co-sponsored says that the use of the camps will be determined by the Secretary of the DHS. He also says that they will not be locked; people will be able to come and go as they please. I call Bull shit right here. These camps are prisons that come equipped with swing sets and sliding boards. Two rows of fence, topped with concertina wire, angled inward, it’s a freaking concentration camp.

     As you see, these Congressmen sign bills because they are told to or it means more money for his district, which of course means more money for the pockets.


     Somehow, we have to convince our representatives and Senators to READ before you sign! They say it could never happen here, but, we have already allowed our elected officials to break tons of laws, all in the name of SAFETY! We no longer are looked at as 50 states, now we are known by the 10 sectors. These ten sectors are to be run by 10 people you didn’t vote for. The local police may back down from doing these acts of tyranny, but there is the military. If you just happened to sign a petition outside the grocery store, who knows which list you just put yourself on. And all these concentration camps that the only answer you can get from their administrators is “No Comment!”

     Why are we allowing this to happen? Because it is all being done in the name of NATIONAL SECURITY!


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