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Friday, September 14, 2012


     In Question Everything I, we discussed the terrible events surrounding the attack on the World Trade Center. In Question Everything II we are going to discuss the events of September 11, 2001, at the Pentagon. There are many mysteries surrounding the headquarters of all the US military.

      'A three year independent investigation into the September 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon has yielded new eyewitness evidence which, according to the Southern California-based researchers who conducted the investigation, "conclusively (and unfortunately) establishes as a historical fact that the violence which took place in Arlington that day was not the result of a surprise attack by suicide hijackers, but rather a military black operation involving a carefully planned and skillfully executed deception." A CNN Reporter at the scene states that there is no evidence that a 757 hit the Pentagon.

     There was very little physical evidence on the scene, one piece, that surprisingly survived was a single wheel from the landing gear. The wheel rim found in the wreckage closely resembles one found on a 757, however not exact. What is important is that it does resemble the design of a Global Hawk as well and may be a slightly different design for a variation of the Hawk. Again, how is it that this wheel rim survived the wreckage when very little else of the supposed 757 did?

                                                          GLOBAL HAWK

     The following is, for the most part, focused on the outside of the Pentagon. When one takes this evidence alone it is very conclusive that a AA 757 did not hit the Pentagon. I have searched for a good picture of the landing gear on the Global Hawk and it's wheels seem to be covered by the landing gear hatch door. But I finally found a picture and they do not match the wheels of a 757. The wheel found in the wreckage closely resembles one found on a 757 however not exact. What is important is that it does resemble the design of a Global Hawk and may be a slightly different design for a variation of the Hawk. Also, how is it that this wheel  survived the wreckage when very little else of the supposed 757 did? Even titanium engine casings (we'll get to them later)!
     Then there is the simple fact that there are no wing marks on the Pentagon wall, and there is no way that a 757 would fit through that hole. Then there is the street light that was apparently knocked down by the Boeing 757. The official photos show glass from the street lamp near by. Wouldn't a plane hitting it at 400 MPH, have thrown the glass a long distance? Also, it would have shattered this glass on impact. It is more probable that the street light was blown over just prior to the fighter plane that shot a missile into the Pentagon. Another fighter plane flew in to make room for it in it's flight path. Look at the picture of the taxi on the road with the street lamp beside it bellow. However, as always, it is only speculation, as again, they will not release the videos of what happened and you should ask what is it that they are trying to hide? What hit the Pentagon? A Boeing 757 loaded with passengers and fuel right?

      Take a close look at video footage of the World Trade Center collapsing down upon itself.  Look farther down, at the stories that haven't collapsed yet. In nearly every clip you'll see little puffs of dust/smoke spurting out from the sides of the towers. There are two competing explanations for these puffs of dust: One says that the force of the collapsing upper floors raised the air pressure in the lower floors so dramatically that it actually blew out the windows. Then the other explanationis that the towers did not collapse from the impact of two Boeing 757s and the ensuing jet fuel fires. They were destroyed in a well-planned and controlled demolition. The dust puffs you see on film are the detonations of explosives planted there before the attacks.

     Although the 9/11 Truth Movement has been ignored by the mainstream media, it has been flourishing on the Internet. One of the most popular conspiracy videos online is Loose Change, a 90-min. blizzard of statistics, photographs, documents, eyewitness accounts and expert testimony. It's designed to pick apart, point by point, the conventional narrative of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001. For all its amateur production values-it was created by a pair of industrious twentysomethings using a laptop footage scavenged from the Internet-Loose Change is a compelling documentary. Take a close look at the section about the attack on the Pentagon. As the film points out, the crash site doesn't look right. There's not enough damage. The hole that was penetrated in the Pentagon's outer wall was 75 ft. wide, but a Boeing 757 has a 124-ft. wingspan. Why wasn't the hole wider? Why does it look so neat?

The "experts" say that the hole was made by the plane's fuselage, not its wings, which were sheared off upon impact. OK, what happened to the wings? Where are the tail and the titanium encased engines? The photos of the crash site do not show any of the wreckage you would expect to see after a building has been rammed by a commercial jet. The lawn, where the plane supposedly dragged a wing on approach, is practically pristine. The plane reportedly clipped five lampposts on its way in, but the lampposts in question show little damage. Do you really think that Hani Hanjour, the man supposedly at the controls, could have executed the maneuvers that the plane performed? He had just failed a flight test a few weeks before the attack. Also, many of the Pentagon employees reported smelling cordite after the hit, the kind of high explosive that a cruise missile carries.

     Forget the official 9/11 Reports and the "expert" testimony, and trust your eyes, ears and your brain instead. "The goal of the movie (Loose Change) was just really to get out there and show that there are alternate stories to what the mainstream media and the government will tell you," says Korey Rowe, 23, who produced the movie. "That 19 hijackers are going to completely bypass security and crash four commercial airliners in a span of two hours, with no interruption from the military forces, in the most guarded airspace in the United States and the world? That to me is a conspiracy theory." If we went to war to root out fictional weapons of mass destruction, is staging a fictional terrorist attack such a stretch?

     Can you explain how a Boeing 14.9 yards high, 51.7 yards long, with a wingspan of 41.6 yards and a cockpit 3.8 yards high, could crash into just the ground floor of this building? Most mainstream media pictures only show that the roofs were intact. They do not show that the other rings were not hit. Can you explain how a Boeing 757-200, weighing nearly 100 tons and travelling at a minimum speed of 250 miles an hour (*250 mph when landing, 600 mph in flight) only damaged the outside of the Pentagon? In all of the photographs that show the building just after the attack, we can see that the aircraft only hit the ground floor. The four upper floors collapsed towards 10.10 am. The building is only 26 yards high. We are talking about a 269,434 lb plane, hitting the pentagon wall at around 400 MPH. 

     Can you explain why the Defense Secretary deemed it necessary to sand over the lawn, which was otherwise undamaged after the attack? This is standard procedure. They built a road to prevent the heavy equipment from getting bogged down. So says the Defense Secretary. But I think, it was done to cover up any ballistic material that a missle might leave behind flying close enought to the ground as to hit precisely at the window where it was aimed to hit. Also, in a satellite photo from four days prior, September 7, 2001, shows a strip of exposed ground that runs the exact route of the missle or 757, which ever really did the damage of a ten foot wide hole that only penetrated the outter wall before the explosion. We can see an Ariel path marker in the grass in the satellite photo. However, it is a very compelling picture as the Masonic all seeing eye is visible. The actual bottom part of the eye points at the impact point on the pentagon wall and in the approximate flight path that the object that hit the Pentagon took.

     What does this mean, well in Illuminati Symbology terms it is like a calling card.I would dare say. Further if what we are seeing is real, then it gives credibility to the fact that the so called Terrorists were Patsies and this Ariel marking pattern may have been used to mark the impact point from the air where the pilot or object was suppose to hit the Pentagon.

The Public works Digest for Oct/Nov of , which has statements in it as follows:

page 6 where is the plane did anyone see it after it hit
page 7 doubtful of plane
page 8 all kinds of rumors truck bomb, helo bomb
page 9 bomb

     Much of this speculationcould be put to rest, perhaps, by having the FBI release the video that they took from a gas station surveillance camera shortly after the Pentagon was hit. 


     Who was on Flight 77? According to the Flight Information there wereNO ARAB NAMES on Flight 77 manifest. That makes me wonder if Flight 77 actually existed at all? Please don't get me wrong here I mean absolutely no disrespect in bringing forward the names of the people on Flight 77. But you can look up the flight manifest for this flight on the web. It is horrible to have to analyze the Pentagon crash when real people were killed and families must still miss them terribly but, there are a number of problems with the Official Story that do need to be brought to light. What pisses me off is there are no Government agencies anywhere in the world analyzing this information and bringing it forward to the public, nothing other than a few members of Congress or Government Whistle Blowers. It is disgusting! See part of the problem was that they covered up the grass with dirt and stones so fast that there were so few pictures available of the grass.

This photo shows the government covering up any and all
ballistic material as well as the satellite photo of the Aeriel marker

Rescure workers found no evidence of plane debris in this area.

     Here we see debris being pushed away from the hole. The steel columns near the impact are not pushed in but pushed sideways, as if a bomb had exploded, nothing like the kind of damage that would occur if a plane had hit. You can see a hole, possibly, big enough for the fuselage to have entered on the left. However, the hole they claimed it made is to the right, which clearly, the fuselage of a 757 could not possibly fit through it. There is no wing damage to the building at all, as you may notice. By all rights if the wings could take out Light Poles,  these structural steel beams shouldn't even be there. The smoke covers up the hole, making it difficult to get a clear understanding of what kind of damage there really is. Could it be that we are seeing 2 impact points, not one? The damage to the right side of the picture looks like it could have been a explosion that occurred in the building, while to the left it looks like it may have been the impact point. Witnesses reported hearing 2 explosions! Based on the damage shown here, it appears that  a bomb went off and a simultanious missile strike or a Global Hawk impacted the building setting off the explosion. Notice the columns are pushed sidways perpendicular to the building and not inward. The exposion photos all show the explosion occuring from inside outwards. The fuel on the 757 would be blown forward into the building and the majority of the explosion would have occured on the opposite side of the impact point. There is relatively little damage on the exit point and it resembles the shape of a  charge that one would expect from a missile hit, not a fuel laden 757.

     When the two 757's impacted the WTC, they tore through steel beams that were engineered to withstand a direct hit from a 747, which was the largest commercial plane at the time of construction; the I beams are gone, they are not there at all! So why then are the beams still there in the Pentagon crash. This  supports that a small aircraft or missile hit the Pentagon and not an AA 757.


     Look at this business jet that hit a warehouse after skidding off a runway in New Jersey on Feburary 2, 2005. Notice the wing has folded back, but the concrete block wall still got knocked out by the one wing that hit the building. The same can not be shown on the Pentagon walls. Please note that wings damage walls, but not the Pentagon walls, right? Also the plane is intact!!!! It didn't just vanish into thin air! Maybe, just maybe, David Copperfield caused the illusion of no plane?

     Something took out the fenced in area next to the impact zone to some degree. The fenced area was probably damaged from the impact blast. The height of the stubs on the fence are lower than the spools of wire sitting on the lawn, so that doesn't support a wing impact at all. The spools shouldn't be identifiable after a 757 hit the building. They would have been crushed. The hole in the pentagon is far to small for the fuselage of the plane to fit in! Looks more and more like a missile hit than anything else. It is hard to believe that a 260,000 pound airliner would not leave more debris than was found on the lawn of the Pentagon.

     It has been reported that both black boxes were recovered from the Pentagon crash. Cool! Let's see them! Where are they? Surely a picture exists! They seemed to want to show the public and with all the media around, it shouldn't be any trouble should it? Do you think they lied... I know it would be hard to believe from the government, but perhaps they lied to us all. I'm starting to see G.O.D. in this...Gold Oil Drugs. I'm just a writer/artist, but I find it hard to believe that a black box would survive when apparently nothing of the plane that did...
     Lets take a look at the crash site. There was a piece of debris in a video that was made inside the crash area that looks like a piece of landing gear. But the gear itself is not burnt, twisted or damaged in any way. Seems rather strange for the only surviving piece of plane from this horrendous crash, would be clean and operable! The wheel is still inflated and not burnt off. It is alleged that the wheel in the picture that was released, was indeed a welders cart, which holds welding tanks. It could very well be, but the placement of it and to the casual observer it would register as landing gear wreckage. Intentional or not, that's how I looked at it when I first saw it.

     You can clearly see from the photos is that there was never a huge, gapping hole created in the Pentagon wall. The hole is only one story high, the first floor and all the other floors collapsed down on top of it. There is no way a Boeing 757 could ever have gone through there. This leaves two questions:

     What did hit the pentagon first of all?  Then, who was involved in 9/11 and created this massive lie? It is easy to point fingers at the administration as they most certainly are suspects in my mind, however they couldn't do it alone. How many others were involved in this cover-up and treason?

     Witnesses claim that the poles were taken down by the wings of the 757. In every case where a pole was hit no aircraft metal or objects seemed to have come off where the poles were. A piece of airplane debris was found next to a downed lightpole. IT IS A SMOKING GUN, right? If it is then someone explain to me where on an American Airlines 757, is there whitepaint on the wings? There is some white on the nose cone and on the upper sides of the plane, but the witnesses state that the lightpoles were hit by the wings. Now the GLOBAL HAWK, however, does have some versions that are painted white. If this is all that was found after hitting 5 poles I am truly amazed! I don't believe that this would be off any plane that hit 5 poles.
     Considering the sheer strength of the poles it is hard to imagine that the wings weren't severely damaged or ripped off the fuselage. The other thing about the light poles is that the plane was traveling very fast, about 400 MPH. If the plane hit the poles going that speed the poles wouldn't be close the road or on the road, rather they would have been thrown a long way from the road, providing they didn't sheer the wings off. And we are talking about 5 poles here not just one!
     Bottom line is we have all seen accident pictures of cars crashing into light poles and know the kind of damage that can be done to car. So what about an airplane wing? The Plane would be a fireball before it even hit the pentagon and probably would have crashed into the lawn first as it would be pulled down by hitting the poles and rupturing fuel tanks in the wings. The Light Poles are planted and a detraction. With a little Photoshop Pro work anything can be manufactured wouldn't you say? However if the poles were down I suspect they wouldn't have been brought down by Flight 77.
     A Boeing 757 can carry up to 11,489 gallons of fuel. The fuel tanks are located in the under-belly and sometimes in the wings. The fire on Flight 77 was limited to the outer section and roof areas. The section of the Pentagon hit was only 5 days from completion of some very heavy fortified renovations. Heavy steel beams and the such were put into the building. Interesting that they were only 5 days away from the renovations when they got hit don't you think? It was interesting how all the fuel spewed out the World Trade Center but nothing spewed out of the Pentagon into the other sections. The fuel still burns at around 875 degrees and steel melts at 2800 degrees.
     The, final point about the poles. The so called terrorists had only about 10 hours simulator flight time, a little bit of actual Cessna training, and probably some played around with a flight simulator on a home computer from what has been told on documentaries. It is odd, don't you think, that the plane would swing around and hit the side of the Pentagon where the aerial marker was in the lawn. Also to steer a plane perfectly through 5 lamp poles just skimming the ground, would be tough for a real pilot, much less amatures under a great deal of stress and chaos. There is no way they could have flown the course they did, and the course they flew makes no logical sense. When you are determined to hit something like the Pentagon, you don't aim for a particular wall you come in from above and you dive at it. To hit the pentagon the way they did is way beyond their skills and abilities. It is so much easier to just dive in at the Pentagon then to be slamming into light poles. With the total lack of airplane wreckage, bodies and luggage, etc. It makes no sense that a 757 hit the Pentagon at all. There are a number of other supporting websites and theories that support this argument. 

     Doesn't it seem odd that the building would collapse the way it did based on fire alone. Steel melts at 2800 degrees and the fuel from an aircraft burns at around 875 degrees. Another thing that is extremely strange, is that you can see lots and lots of building debris, but nowhereis there even one picture that shows any aircraft debris inside the building at all!
     "Something slammed into the Pentagon, but it wasn't a 757." Rumsfeld stated it was a MISSILE that hit the building during a slip of the tounge. What is interesting about the collapse at the Pentagon is that it didn't collapse in a free fall like we saw at the World Trade Center demolition. One other thing that was interesting is that the fire fighters were not hosing it down during this particular period, why? Perhaps they wanted it to collapse? If there was a chance that someone was still alive but hurt in the upper floors wouldn't you want to rescue them?

     A Cruise Missile has been suggested. And a Cruise Missile makes a vapour trail like the one behind the object that slammed into the Pentagon, but not always. Another explanation could be that an engine had been damaged if it hit the light poles. Both land and sea based cruise missiles have a solid rocket propellant which gives off white smoke like this, the Space Shuttle is a good example of what solid propellant looks like when it burns. So it opens a possibility that perhaps whatever did hit the Pentagon may have had a missile active as it hit or the object itself was a missile. The first part of the explosion could be the remaining solid rocket propellant or an actual explosive. The fact that there is an absence of black smoke which comes from a jet fuel fire at this point is more evidence that the plane was not on fire prior to hitting the Pentagon wall. Also take note that the vapor trail is nearly on the ground. The plane should have been skidding on the ground by this time. The other notable aspect to the explosion is that it looked very similar to a fuel/air bomb. Perhaps the vapor trail is a fuel mixture being dispersed prior to detonation? It is highly suspected that fuel/air bombs were used on the WTC Towers. There is a possibilityof a duplication of that here.
     This is an eye-witnesses sworn testimony:
"A huge jet. Then it was gone. Buildings don't eat planes. That plane, it just vanished. There should have been parts on the ground. It should have rained parts on my car. The airplane didn't crash. Where are the parts? There was a plane. It didn't go over the building. It went into the building. I want them to find it whole, wedged between floors or something. I want to make it make sense. I want to know why there's this gap in my memory, this gap that makes it seem as though the plane simply became invisible and banked up at the very last minute"

    Many people were evacuated from this section of the Pentagon prior to the crash. If the 757 did go into the Pentagon and disintegrated, you still would be left with about 100,000 tons of carbonized aluminium, resembling sand. There is nothing there. The fact that the plane was flying inches above the ground without causing damage to the lawn is also amazing. It is near impossible to fly a commercial jet inches off the ground into the side of a building. You need to go slow with the flaps down etc. Try flying a flight simulator like that and see what happens. The supposed hijackers had minimal training on these jets and simply wouldn't have had the skills. The fact that no Arabs were listed on the manifest is also interesting. Victims families are being told to shut up and take a small compensation package. NORAD was made to stand down for nearly an hour, yet we have reports of a C130 doing maneuvers near the Pentagon and a probable Jet fighter that went vertical and out of site just after the crash. The Pentagon is the most highly surveiled and protected building on the planet and all they can do is come up with four doctored snap shots of what happened?
     The Pentagon is one of the most heavily guarded and watched sites on the planet, with the exception to  Area 51 and NORAD. With Radar systems capable of tracking objects right down to sea level, Friend or Foe System and Satellite systems, it is amazng that a rogue Boeing 757 could hit the Pentagon, without warning, after 2 planes had already hit the World Trade Center. The Pentagon is equipped with the latest state of the art technology in the War Room. Stand down orders had to be issued in order to keep the military from intercepting these planes and you all know who can give that order...

     We may never know what exactly hit the Pentagon, but that isn't the point. The point is that there is enough evidence proving that a 757 could not and did not hit the Pentagon. There is also a mountain of evidence pointing to the white wash and cover-ups concerning the WTC crash as well. The these poor souls who gave their lives in a Jihad against America were trained in and protected by the U.S. Military and Bush, they were mind controlled patsies used by the Military Industrial complex to put on a show for them. The fact that no Arabs were listed on the Manifest and exactly 20% occupancy on all 4 crashed flights is also an interesting aspect. If you look at the pictures of the dogs doing searches at the Pentagon for body parts, they all have blank faces, like there is nothing there to find. The fact that there is no wing damage at all on the Pentagon wall should be enough for most people to realize that something is very wrong.


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