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Sunday, September 9, 2012


     "Question everything," what a profound statement. The first time I heard this statement I begin to think about history. I knew from my years of study that US history is A LOT different from what I was taught in school. This also led me to think about the statement, "The victor writes history." So, I began looking at the subject that I have spent the majority of my life studying, The American Civil War. Once I began thinking back on all of the anomalies I had found, I began writing them down. I have now taken all of these notes and I have began to write a three volume book entitled, The War of Northern Aggression: From The Southern Perspective. I have the first volume completed, and work goes on. 
     So, as you can see, if you "Question Everything," it can lead to the investigation of any subject. I also have thought about our government. This brings about many questions. everyday the headlines are full of bullshit coming from our government. It is not only our current administration, but, every administration since Theodore Roosevelt. There was Nixon, who lied to us all on TV; Bill Clinton, who "did not have sexual relations with that woman;" G H Bush and our need to protect the country of Kuwait; G W Bush and the WMDs in Iraq and the whole 9/11 event which led us into Afghanistan. "Question Everything."
     I want to take a look at a few of the questions that I have thought of. I am sure they will cause controversy among those who read this, including friends and family; many of which think I sit around with my tin foil hat on.
     1. Who REALLY destroyed the twin towers on 9/11? (Tin foil hat time)
      Right before the September 11th attacks some fishy business happened within the stock market  and insurance firms. An “extraordinary” amount of put options were placed on United Airlines and American Airlines stocks, the same airlines that were hijacked during the attacks. Many speculate that traders were tipped off about the attacks, and profited from the tragedy. The Securities and Exchange Commission launched an insider trading investigation in which Osama bin Laden was a suspect after receiving information from at least one Wall Street Firm.
      In the event that a airplane were to be hijacked, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), is prepared to send out fighter jets which can debilitate or shoot down an airplane. On 9/11/01, NORAD generals said they learned of the hijackings in time to scramble fighter jets. Yet, on that day the closest fighter squadron had been sent hundreds of miles away on manuevers. Some skeptics also believe that NORAD commanded defense systems to “Stand-down”, because of their lack of presence during the attacks.
     Theorists noticed that 4,000 Jewish employees took off from work on September 11th 2001. Some of the first people to record the attacks on camera were Jewish also. Many became suspicious of there actions, and put them on the radar as suspects in the wake of the attack. It seems to me that Israel knew of the US plans. Israel would have been part of the plan because they too want a reason to attack Middle Eastern countries, in the sake of their own "national security."
     Commercial airplanes’ frames are constructed with a very light aluminum material, in order to make it easier to fly. There is no possible way an airplane can do as much damage as it did to the Twin Towers. Some believe that missiles were attached to the jets to ensure the penetration.
     During the ensuing weeks after the attacks, the Black boxes were one of the most important items to find. They were the only evidence into what happened inside the cockpits of the plane. Three of four black boxes were found, and only one was in good enough condition to listen to. The tape was not initially released, but was shared with the families in 2002. Skeptics believe the tapes were not disclosed in order to support the secret scheme.
     In flight calls were made from cell phones in hi-jacked airplanes. Scientists and skeptics maintain that cell phones could not receive reception from the altitude the planes typically fly. Other skeptics questioned a phone call from a son to his mother, in which he referred to himself by his own first and last name. Come on people, how many people call their own mother and have to tell her who they are, much less, have to give her their first and last name? Unless you have been completely out of touch for twenty years, most wouldn't have to tell their mother their first name for her to know who it was on the other end of the line.
     The Pentagon crash may be the most puzzling event of the day. Theorists maintain that the impact holes in the pentagon were much smaller then a commercial American Airlines plane. The pictures of the impact area, before the explosion, showed a much smaller hole in the interior walls. The original hole was more the size of a missile penetration. If you look up these photos, compare them to pictures of missile attacks on buildings in Bosnia, they look EXACTLY the same. They also question why the plane was not shot down prior to impact, once again, the fighter squadron was nowhere near the area. Also, what are the odds that  the plane impacted into a section of the Pentagon that was vacant due to renovations at the time? The Pentagon was behind the attacks and, those in the know, weren't going to take the chance of harming themselves. Now think about the fact that the wingspan of this "airliner" is close to 80 feet and the length is over 100 feet. After a few minutes inside the walls the plane then exploded destroying all of the plane, other than a few scattered small pieces of aluminum sheeting. The engines on these jets are encased in titanium. These too were destroyed, and the fire was a jet fuel fire which burns at a temperature that is much cooler than needed to melt titanium. STRANGE?
     The World Trade Center collapse appeared similar to a controlled demolition. Many speculate that the towers were in fact blown down with explosives placed in selected locations. Some witnesses accounted hearing explosions inside the building as they attempted to escape. Many architects and scientists even maintain that a planes fuel cannot produce enough heat to melt the steel frame of the two buildings that collapsed. Here the temperature of a jet fuel fire comes into question again by experts.
     The fourth hijacked plane, Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. It is believed that the passengers fought back, and crashed the plane into a field. Skeptics believe that Flight 93 landed safely, while a substitute plane was shot out of the sky. Other theorists believe that the passengers were murdered or relocated, and will never be found. There were no bodies.Two coroners were called in to handle the bodies, they both stated that their were no bodies. They stated that there was clothing everywhere, but not a single body, they both subsequently went back to their jobs. The crash site looks nothing like any similar types of crashes. The crash site looks like the plane was slammed down to the ground, much like aircraft which have been shot down.
    After the 9/11 attacks, the “Loose Change” documentary stated that all of the hijackers were in fact alive in other countries. Rather presumptuous since it is possible for two different people to have identical names. But they did raise a good point; how did the passports of the terrorists survive the explosion? In the aftermath of the attacks, passports and identification were found as evidence. Many skeptics question how identification made out of paper survived an explosion, which destroyed buildings. These were fires that melted titanium and structural steel. They also report that no bodies of the hijackers could be found.


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