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Saturday, August 4, 2012


     What would have happened in 1789, 1942, or 9/11, if a top government official stepped out in front of the American people and proclaimed that America was a nation of cowards? He would have been run out of town on a rail, probably tarred and feathered at the very least! But that is what happened in 2009 and we did nothing! Have we become a nation of cowards? I like to think not, i likr to think we just fell into a commodity trance, where we were all happy as long as we could overload our budgets and then keep working to buy more. In the greatest show of arrogance and disdain any Congress ever showed any citizenry, our disfunctionally elite, self-interested, nonrepresenting representatives passed the largest spending bill in history without reading it, and WE DID NOTHING!
     We want them to obey our Constitutional mandate and secure our borders, and they IGNORE us. We request that they enforce immigration laws, and they IGNORE us. We say stop the madness of handing $300 BILLION, of a bankrupt treasury, to illegal immigrants in welfare, we are rewarding them for making a mockery of our laws, and they IGNORE us. And now, in open defiance of the overwhelming will of THE PEOPLE, they are preparing more amnesty programs! We say stop exporting our nation's vital industries to foriegn shores, they IGNORE us! We say no to using our taxpayer money to bail out failing, corrupt, greedy businesses, THEY IGNORE US! We say implement the E-Verify system so American jobs can go to American workers, They Ignore Us! 
     If our self-serving Congress were a business they would all be in jail right now! The biggest traitors among us are in elected offices. Only when they feel the wrath of the almighty WE THE PEOPLE,  marching in the streets from California to New York, shouting, "We're mad as Hell and we want our country back" will they ever get the message that THEY WORK FOR US!
     WAKE UP America; while we were playing withour toys of consumer wealth, we lost much more than our bloated economy, by living above our means, we lost our representative democracy, our servants have become our masters. Taxation without representation is tyranny, yet still we look to the government to solve problems, the same ones they created in the first place! We are sucking at the hind tit of a dead cow.
     Why isn't there a 3 million person WE THE PEOPLE march on Washington? A nationwide taxpayers revolt? Thousands of cars and trucks surrounding our nation's capital bringing our failed government to a stand still. Democracy does not repress power it unleashes power to WE THE PEOPLE! We need to take it now.
     They dictated an economic salvation paln to us. Now it's time to stick it to them with a "WE THE PEOPLE STIMULUS PACKAGE.":
Require all laws that apply to the rest of the country equally apply to Congress. Start by removing the elite privileges that place our nonrepresenting representatives above us instead of with us. Repeal the right of Congress to vote for their own raises, balance the federal budget, force the legislators to do what we have to do and live within their means. If we don't, we are committing NATIONAL SUICIDE. Make Congress pay into the Social Security Program, since the make the laws for it, now they may be interested in thinking twice before they allow 20 MILLION illegal aliens to reap the benefits of the retirement program that the legal citizens have paid into their entire lives.
     Long-term power CORRUPTS! Limit the amount of time in Congress to TWO TERMS, isn't that all we give our presidents? Let them search for their own 401K program instead of the gross unfairness of awarding them their full salary, for life, even if they only served one term. Stop paying their insurance premiums, after all they are only PART-TIME employees. They may pass some laws on insurance companies if they had to deal with this on their own.
     Throw out any Congressman, or woman, who didn't bother to read the largest spending bill in history, before voting on it! With the money we save with all of the above, put it in increased salary and benefits for the men and women serving in the armed forces, THEY NEVER FAIL US. Start no war unless you intend to win. Make ENGLISH the official language of the United States of America. We all speak of "UNITED WE STAND" but do nothing to make it happen. Give every LEGAL immigrant a chance to succeed, but not one red cent of taxpayer money for illegal aliens; we are a nation of laws and do not reward those who break laws. Get rid of the Electoral College, put the election of the president back in the hands of WE THE PEOPLE. Bring back UNIVERSAL SERVICE, two years in the military or two years service with community involvement. Ensure our future, rekindle the SPIRIT OF AMERICA. Service, honor, and duty to country! Teach iur children that they are not entitled to anything that they do not earn. It only takes one generation to make or break a country.  
     WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!! We ahve allowed ourselves to become little more than coloring spectators, watching the nation our grandparents built begin to crumble. The richest, the most powerful, the most self-sufficient REPUBLIC in history, with the highest standard of living that any nation ever acheived. Now, we are in the middle of the greatest, unprecidented, decline in modern history. The world's only SUPERPOWER can't secure it's borders, balance it's budget, win it's wars, manufacture its own goods, or protect it's own currency.
     The government debt obligation over the next couple of years is approaching the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the entire world!!!! We have diminished the future of our children, grandchildren, and ten generations of Americans!
     On September 11, 2001, over 300 MILLION Americans put aside all that was dividing them and rallied around what united them. We flew our flags. we wore our t-shirts that read These Colors Don't Run. Then our leadership told us to stay at home and do nothing, let our professional army do the fighting. Perhaps we learned to do nothing too well!
     Two hundred and thirty three years ago. the silent majority in Boston got fed up with Taxation Without representation and held a little tea party to prove the anger of WE THE PEOPLE is on the march and started the FIRST AMERICAN REVOLUTION! NOW it is time to start the SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION! Take an envelope, put a teabag inside, seal it up, and send it to your nonrepresenting representatives in Congress. They'll get the idea that WE are MAD as HELL and we want OUR country back!Go and look into a mirror, that's your leader! It is up to each of us to be leaders of our homes and families! Call in to your local talk radio host (Boortz, Hannity, Rush...etc.), call for a tax protest, set all your internet circles on fire with the idea! Don't give up hope America! Every country needs a new "Greatest Generation." ANSWER THE CALL! GET IN THE FIGHT! It is a goodtime to be a PATRIOT! The American Revolution II has just begun!!!!!
       Like the saying goes: BY BALLOT OR BY BULLET!!!!!Peaceable protests are always the best route. Bullets kill people!!!!     

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