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Monday, August 13, 2012

     Lima is Peru's largest city and the first Spanish-founded city in Souyh America. There are blocks after blocks of mud-bricked shanties, unpaved streets, and the unmistakable signs of poverty everywhere. To the east the brown desert hills quietly push Lima into the Pacific Ocean. The whole coast of Peru is desert. Continuing south, well into Chilie, this arid strip becomes the driest desert on earth, the Atacama.
     Only a portion of Peru is desert. The arid coastal region extends 50-100 miles inland. Beyond it are the central mountains, with their lofty plateaus, deep valleys, snowy peaks, and terraced farm lands. The Andes Codillera divides the country roughly in half, north to south. On the eastern side the mountains are heavily forested slopes leading down to the Amazon basin. These mountains are also the source of the mighty Amazon River, the largest river in the world. This is where we are headed to change world history.

     It is only within the past few hundred years that the Archbihop of Ulster proclaimed that, according to his analaysis of the Bible, that the world was created in 4000 BC.While historians generally agree that the world is older than this, they still agree this 4000 BC as the beginning of modern civilization, portraying men as living in caves for several thousand years before this. Many agree that civilization at Jericho and other cities in Turkey can be pushed back to 7000 BC. But Sumeria is still taught in schools that civilization began 7000 years ago in 5000 Bc . With the discovery of bronze artifacts in Thailand which are hundreds and even thousands of years older than those found in Sumeria, it has been proven that advanced cultures predated Sumeria.
     In the case of some scholars, who have been demonstrating that South America has ruins and other evidence of civilization which may far predate those found elsewhere. This continent is rapidly becoming the most controversial area in the world. According to many of the so-called experts, man-kind came to North America via athe Bering Sea Land Bridge into Alaska and Canada a few thousand years ago. Conservative experts place this crossing at about 12000 BC. Other more radical experts date it to be 28,ooo BC. Yet, human bones in California, Arizona, Alberta, and Equador have all shown by carbon dating techniques that man was in the Western Hemisphere by about 30,000 BC. A skull found at Otavalo archaeological site in Equador was radio-carbon dated at 30,000+ BC.

     Back here in the United States, there are 7,000 year old copper mines along the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, north of Wisconsin. On Isle Royale, in Lake Superior, hundreds of open-pit copper mines can be found. Much of the ground is PURE copper - in 1874 one solid mass of copper was found that weighed 5,720 lbs. On it were distinct markings that showed where prehistoric hammerstones had battered off chunks of copper. Along the southern shores of Lake Superior are more than 5,000 open-pit copper mines, extending for over 100 miles. Every modern copper mine now in operation show signs of prehistoric mining. However, as of yet, "no indications of settlement, no human or animal bones, and no burials have been found here. There are no indications that the Indians knew or cared anything about the place."
     At Oconto, Wisconsin, just north of Green Bay, can be found Copper Culture State Park. Here in 1948 a young boy found some bones in a gravel pit. His first thought was that there had been a murder, and he reported his discovery to the sheriff. It was an archaeologist that solved the case. The bones belonged to an Indian who had been buried for a very long time. There were other burials discovered in the same gravel pit, many burials actually, and made in three different ways; some of the bodies had been creamated; some had the flesh removed; while about 50% were buried much as the white man buries his dead. But most interesting were the number of copper tools.
     Carbon 14 dating on these remains, now called the Old Copper culuture, had lived about 5,000 years ago. this date shows that copper was being mined in the Americas at the same time as the great copper age in Asia and the Middle East. Yet at the time of European invaision of America the Native Americans were not using copper at all, they were basically a stoneage people. Yet, in 3,000 BC this was not true. Some sort of technological reversion had ocurred.
     Who were these ancient copper miners and where did all the copper go? It has been suggested that the estimated 100 million to 500 million tons of copper that came out of Michigan and Wisconcin in 3,000 BC went to the Mediteranean to fuel the blossoming Copper Age that was happening there at the time. Even the lower 100 million ton figure was more than the population of the Americas could have consumed. There are only a few artifacts made from copper found in the United States. With the belief of many "on the fringe" scientists that the most of the copper from the ancient copper mines being removed to the ancient Near East circa 3,000 BC. These ancient copper miners were Egyptian and Phoenician workers. During the later Copper Age of Western Europe, the same mines were used by other cultures, including Norse, Celts, and even perhaps the Toltecs.

      At Aztalan, Wisconsin, are the ruins of a great pyramid structure 60 feet below the surface of the water at Rock Lake. what are the pyramids doing at the bottom of Rock Lake? One theory was that the builders of Aztalan, had purposely damed the local river, thereby flooding the valley where the pyramids were then submerged. Another theory was that an earthquake caused the daming of the river. No one is sure when this flooding occurred, but it is known to have happened before 1300 AD.
     And what of the destruction of Aztalan? Who had built this city? Who had destroyed the city? According to a historical researcher and epigrapher, Aztalan was destroyed in 1250 AD by a roving army of 20,000 Mongol men and women, who, in 1233 AD, had escaped from Genghis Khan in Mongolia and traveled to Canada and then down into the Midwest.

      There are many other proofs of transatlantic journeys for thousands of years before Columbus. There has been an Egyptian burial in the walls of the Grand Canyon dating back to King Tut's time. Many Roman coins and wine vessels have been found in the Carribean and off the eastern coast of South America. BUT WHY does modern science hide all these finds? Surely it's not because they would have to rewrite history books, isn't this what archaeology is all about?

And one more thing: The Maya made it as far as Georgia in their trading. We have plenty of proof now to confirm that.

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