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Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Thoughts on How to Rebuild America's Confidence

     America has been a world leader since her birth, July 4, 1776. Now, after being in 2 wars for 10 years, and our involvement in too many world affairs, she has started to stumble. We elected Barack Obama as president because he promised change and hope and (I believe) because he was a black man. White America voted for him because they have been made to feel guilty over slavery. Wrong reason to vote for someone. All we can do now is keep moving along and hope Obama is voted out in November, 2012. But until then what do we need to do?
     The very first thing that needs to be done is throw Bernake out of his office, and an audit of the Treasury Department. There is absolutely no transparency or accountability in the office. How can we get our economy under control or our spending under control, when we don't even have a clue what the "BOOKS" look like? This is a position that a man like Herman Cain would be great at. Herman isn't getting enough exposure to win the nomination, so whoever replaces Obama should keep Cain in mind.
     Next, Congress should make an amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting Sharia law anywhere in this country. The whole world has bowed down to the radical Islamists, and for what? Has it stopped the terrorism? It is only getting worse. Why should America care what they want? Did they care that we wanted to be left out of their bullcrap. And then, for the Muslims to want to build a mosque at the 9/11 site? How in the world was this even thought about? I say HELL NO!!!! What a slap in America's face. At the 9/11 memorial service, no Christian preachers? I blame Mayor Bloomberg for this. It has come down to VOTES!!! Wonder how the founding fathers would have changed the Constitution had they been able to see into the future?
     OBAMACARE? It must be repealed!!!! 2.3% excise tax on medical equipment. This is double what they pay now, many of these companies will be going overseas. This Obamacare is going to cost America 43,000 jobs. This law is filled with taxes. Obama says no new taxes....BULLCRAP! How is it that Congress is not under this law? What about the "Royal" Obama's? How could this have passed Congress? EXECUTIVE ORDER? The government CAN NOT force the American people to buy a product.
      We need to bring our troops home, NOW!!!! We have to cut our losses. We are spending billions to rebuild the governments of foreign nations, sending that money over to rebuild their infrastructure, well, what about our infrastructure. Obama says he is concerned about our job situation, well, let's spend that money at home and put all these unemployed construction workers back work rebuilding America.
      I would have to say that Newt has the right ideas about the immigration problems. We HAVE to build a fence. No if's, and's, or but's about it. But I think we also need to guard our northern border. It is from Canada that the illegals from across the Atlantic are coming in. The Chinese are the number one illegals entering now. There are people out there that want to kill us, and if the borders aren't secured they will get WMDs into our country and they WILL use them against us. The fence is definitely needed across the southern border. Just this week Mexican police came across the border to do whatever they want. They have invaded our airspace with their helicopters. It is time to put our troops on OUR borders to protect AMERICA. Damn all these other countries borders.
     We need to get out of the UN. How many BILLIONS of dollars could be saved each year by our military not running around the world as a police force. We had NO reason to be involved in Libya, but, the UN asked BO to help. We had NO VESTED INTEREST! That's the first criteria needed to involve our military forces in any police action!! No one even knew anything about the rebels. We still don't know what their true agrnda is. Now, the rebels are committing human rights violations. What happens if they turn out to be Islamic extremist, which is what it is starting to look in like? Next, you can bet we will be going to Syria. These people would kill everybody in America, if given the chance. What this is doing is setting the US up to fight Iran, because no one else has the power to do it. The UN is terrified of a "Nuclear Iran" and they are going pressure us into taking out the government in Iran. The people of Iran are screaming they want rid of Ahmandimijad (sic), so we are going from an Arab spring to an Iranian winter. And you can bet that we will pay the debt for that, not the UN. I feel we should be collecting payment from Iraq for ridding them of Hussein, and payment from Afghanistan for all the money we gave that government to rebuild their country while the money was really going to the insurgents that are being sent in from Iran.
     China is building up her military. They have officers in their army stating that they want to go to war with the US. I say, we watch them a little closer, and investigate the digital warfare a little deeper. If we find that they are behind any of the crap that they are accussed of doing to the US or South Korea, then we need to send a few Stealth Bombers over to slow their build up. Stop all their ships from entering US waters, this would put scumbag Wal-mart out of business, and that alone would bankrupt their asses back to the third-world country they were. We should just borrow our money from Wal-mart, that's where China is getting all her money from. China is the number one importer of illegal immigrants now. They are coming over here packed in containers on the giant ships that arrive here in the US at 4 ships per day (these are also the largest cargo ships in the world. 4 per day for Wal-mart alone). The Chinese owed us money from WWII, I think maybe we need to start collecting on what is owed to us. If you think the world economy is screwed up now, let the US start cashing in her chips.
     Stop all aid to foreign countries. We send BILLIONS overseas every year to help stop famine, stopping disease, rebuilding infrastructures....we could do that here, at home.
      Now, everyone needs to watch the NFL Pre-game show. Boycott the Obama blah blah blah.

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