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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Defense Spending in the Face of the Jihad

     Here it is September 1, 2011. Congress is returning from their vacations, Obama is back at the White House. Looks like it is time for our new UNCONSTITUTIONAL 12 will be meeting soon to decide how to cut the Federal budget. As we all know, once they meet, if they can't come to an agreement on spending cuts, then the Defense Department is going to take a $500 BILLION cut right off the top.
     You may ask yourself, is this a "WISE" choice? And the answer is a resounding "NO!" Have you ever thought about the number of Muslims that are in the world?  1.57 Billion people are of the Muslim faith, that is roughly 23% of the world's population. Guess how many like the US?  None, zero, we represent the devil to them. The people of America are infidels in the eyes of the Muslim world. America represents the evils of the world all in one place. Can we afford to loose the status as the military leaders in the world today? With the number of Muslims and their Islamic Jihadists, we have to stay on top of the hill. Everyday, plans are being made for the next great attack against the US and her people. These radical Islamics do not care if it is a man, woman, or a child that they kill. WE are ALL infidels and must die. There are 57 Muslim majority countries in the world today.
     Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday,8/31/11, warned against the United States taking "control" of the uprisings that have swept the Arab world., as reported on State television.     
"The events currently taking place in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya, Bahrain and elsewhere are key (events) for Muslim people," the television's website quoted Khamenei as saying. "If the Muslim nations stand against those who interfere in their internal affairs, these nations will experience progress," he told a group of officials and people. "But if the world of oppression and world Zionism -- including the oppressive regime of the United States -- take control (of the movements), the Muslim world will experience major problems for decades," Khamenei said.
     Tehran has supported the protests in all Arab countries except Syria, its main Arab ally. It has has repeatedly criticised interference by the United States and the West, particularly in Libya but also in Bahrain. Bahrain, you say? Yes, another Muslim country that wants the West's help to overthrow it's government, wants western money, but does not want the world to know that they are being helped by the UN's police force ( and we aren't supposed to know about it either). But, once again the mighty UN speaks and we go running like good little subjects.
     David H. Petraeus, the general widely credited with rescuing a failing U.S. war in Iraq, retired from the US ARMY on Wednesday with a word of warning: Coming budget cuts must not impair the US military's ability to fight a full range of conflicts, from major land wars to Iraq-like insurgencies. Patraeus made clear his concern that political pressures to lighten the nation’s debt burden could force the military to retrench in ways that hurt U.S. security and the troops. "As our nation contemplates difficult budget decisions, I know that our leaders will remember that our people, our men and women in uniform, are our military,” he told an audience sprinkled with figures from his past, including former West Point classmates. “And that taking care of them and their families must be our paramount objective. Beyond that it will be imperative to maintain a force that not only capitalizes on the extraordinary experience and expertise in our ranks today but also maintains the versatility and flexibility that have been developed over the past decade.”
     The Pentagon already is preparing to reduce defense spending by upward of $400 billion in the next 10 years, and Congress may demand even bigger cuts. General Patreaus looked back on his celebrated career, which began when he was commissioned a second lieutenant after graduating from West Point in June 1974. He recalled the unease he felt on his first day at the military academy and the pride that came from soldiering for nearly four decades. He will begin a new chapter next week when he takes over as director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), succeeding Leon E. Panetta, who gave up the spy-chief job to become defense secretary last month. “We have relearned since 9/11 the timeless lesson that we don’t always get to fight the wars for which we are most prepared or most inclined,” he said. “Given that reality, we will need to maintain the full-spectrum capability that we have developed over this last decade of conflict.”
     On top of defense spending cuts we also have to worry about the crooks that we are giving defense money to. As much as $60 billion in U.S. tax dollars has been lost to waste and fraud in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade due to lax oversight of contractors, poor planning and corruption, according to an independent panel. The Commission on Wartime Contracting said the waste could grow as U.S. support for reconstruction projects and programs wanes, leaving Iraq and Afghanistan to bear the long-term costs of sustaining the schools, medical clinics, barracks, roads and power plants already built with American money.
     Overall, the commission said spending on contracts and grants to support U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan is expected to exceed $206 billion by the end of the 2011 budget year. Based on its investigation, the commission said contracting waste in Afghanistan ranged from 10 percent to 20 percent of the $206 billion total. Fraud during the same period ran between 5 percent and 9 percent of the total, the report said. Styled after the Truman Committee, which examined World War II spending six decades ago, the commission was vested with broad authority to examine military support contracts, reconstruction projects and private security companies. But the law creating the commission also dictated that it would cease operating at the end of September 2011, even as the U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to be heavily supported by contractors.
     The commission cited numerous examples of waste, including a $360 million U.S.-financed agricultural development program in Afghanistan. The effort began as a $60 million project in 2009 to distribute vouchers for wheat seed and fertilizer in drought-stricken areas of northern Afghanistan. The program expanded into the south and east. Soon the U.S. was spending a $1 million a day on the program, creating an environment ripe for waste and abuse, the commission said.  “Paying villagers for what they used to do voluntarily destroyed local initiatives and diverted project goods into Pakistan for resale,” the commission said. Then WHY are we still doing it? This is freaking stupid. We are making these poppy farmers rich, while we are bankrupt.
     The Afghan insurgency’s second largest funding source after the illegal drug trade is the diversion of money from U.S.-backed construction projects and transportation contracts, according to the commission. But the report does not say how much money has been funneled to the insurgency. The money typically is lost when insurgents and warlords threaten Afghan subcontractors with violence unless they pay for protection, according to the report. The Associated Press reported earlier this month that U.S. military authorities in Kabul believe $360 million in U.S. tax dollars has ended up in the hands of people the American-led coalition has spent nearly a decade battling: the Taliban, criminals and power brokers with ties to both. The military said only a small percentage of the $360 million has been garnered by the Taliban and insurgent groups. Most of the money was lost to profiteering, bribery and extortion by criminals and power brokers. Now what other reasons do we need to leave Afghanistan and let the bastartds fend for themselves. $360 Million is a long way toward paying for American needs. Hell, we are PAYING the Taliban to fight against us. Now, if that ain't fucking stupid, what is? Here, Mr. Taliban, we are going to blow your asses off the side of the mountain but take this money and buy some more weapons and see how many of our helicopters you can shoot down. Hell, how about we sell you some STINGER missiles like we did when you were fighting Russia. We helped you defeat Russia, now we are going to help you defeat our own military. Which one of our dumb-asses set this shit up? The CIA? Department of Defense? No, let me guess, the Department of Homeland Security? What a bunch of morons.
     Now, if that ain't enough to chap your ass.
     A retired Chinese general recently revealed that his country might be planning a surprise missile attack on the United States. The public comment of Xu Guangyu came in response to WikiLeaks revelations that last year Washington had warned its allies beforehand of China’s test of a missile interceptor. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in a classified cable sent last January 9th, instructed American embassies in Australia, Britain, Canada, and New Zealand to notify those countries of upcoming Chinese launches two days later. The cable included details of the launch sites for the interceptor and the target, the models of the missiles, the purpose of the test, and the test date.
     Yesterday, Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post carried comments from Xu, now at the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, to the effect that American satellites would have detected activity at the launch sites but that some of the information in the cables—specifically the types of missiles and the day of the test—must have come from a source on the ground. WikiLeaks’s release of this cable, revealing one or more American spies in China’s strategic missile corps, is perhaps the website’s most significant compromise of US security to date. The Hong Kong paper noted that Xu said that “if China could no longer keep secret its missile launches, it would not be able to launch a surprise attack on the US.”
Is China really in the process of planning to destroy the American homeland with a preemptive barrage of nuclear-tipped missiles? Xu’s comment, of course, is not proof, but it does reveal that Chinese flag officers are thinking about doing so. Fuck it, send the Board of Director's for Wal-Mart to the Chinese bastards and get our troops home now. Fuck the UN. Fuck World Peace. We need to protect THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA. We went over and rescued their CHI_COM asses in WWII when Japan was whipping their asses, then they fucked with us in Korea and Vietnam, but we keep screwing with them. Bring our troops home, put a defense of America together, and tell them, " HEY, FUCKA YOUA, come get your money mother fuckers." Then start bombing the piss out of their Navy. Send B52's over Beijing and carpet bomb the entire city until it is flattened out. These mother fuckers want to be a world power then bring it. TO BE THE MAN YOU GOT TO BEAT THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!! So bring your mother fucking, no driving, cat and dog eating, dragon loving, communist, cock-sucking asses over. The US is like grandma's turnip green patch...Just jump in and GET YOU A MESS.

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