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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Failure of Immigration Laws

     Imagine for a moment that a pack of strangers – ranging from hooligans to plain homeless – illegally entered your home and started raiding the pantry, stealing your possessions, stuffing up the toilets, and sleeping on your bed.  When you call the police to come down and remove them, you are told they cannot assist you because they lack the power to profile the unwanted guests from other members of the household.  As desperation sets in, you join with your neighbors to chase them out.  Much to your chagrin, lawyers for the intruders impel the courts to issue a ‘cease and desist order,’ obstructing efforts to deny the intruders anything, including the twinkies in the pantry.  Moreover, teams of advocates for these brazen burglars begin to record the contact information of those locals who desire to stop the illegal entries.
     Sound absurd and perverse? Welcome to the reality of our immigration system.
     There is something fundamentally wrong with a legal system that allows any affluent organization to immediately halt efforts of state governments to deal with their illegal immigration problem; encumbering those laws in years’ worth of frivolous legal proceedings.  There is something fundamentally perverse when the man entrusted with enforcing those laws can falsely substitute the core laws governing our sovereignty – and face no threat of legal action.
     Here are just a few recent news tidbits that exemplify the reprehensible and dyslexic actions of various branches of government toward our vital immigration laws:

Georgia:  Ever since Arizona passed its modest law (SB 1070) to deal with their insurmountable problems with illegal immigration, many other states, including Georgia, have passed similar laws.  Yesterday, US District Court Judge Thomas Thrash enjoined two provisions of Georgia’s HB 87 immigration law, at the behest of the ACLU.  One provision would have authorized police to check the immigration status of those suspected of committing a crime and cannot produce documentation.  The other provision would punish those caught transporting illegal aliens while committing another crime.
The good news is that the court upheld the mandatory E-Verify provision in HB 87; however, Judge Thrash had no other choice, in light of the recent ruling from the Supreme Court upholding Arizona’s E-Verify law.
Judge Thrash issued the injunction on the assumption that the ACLU would succeed in the argument that HB 87 is preempted by federal law (Which I personally think is bullshit since our country is a group of states, which state laws should over ride Federal law, unless it involves a National Security issue and the Federal law is tougher than the state law,. Just my opinion).  He added that “the apparent legislative intent is to create such a climate of hostility, fear, mistrust and insecurity that all illegal aliens will leave Georgia.”  Really?  No kidding!  It’s amusing how the opposition always claims that there is no way to possibly deal with the immigration problem without offering amnesty or physically removing every last alien.  Well, Judge Thrash actually admits that such enforcement laws might scandalously prompt the illegals to leave, without the false choice between amnesty and mass deportation! It is working here in Georgia. The number of immigrants in the housing industry are leaving at a high rate of speed. Between our new immigration laws and the bottom falling out of the housing market, the illegals are moving on. These laws get the immigrants to move on to another state, so, in actuality, these laws are not really removing the illegals from our country. A national clamp down is needed to remove the illegal elements.
It is very likely that the Supreme Court will strike down the absurd preemption argument against state laws authorizing law enforcement to check immigration status.Why can't we check their ID's? Profiling. But, profiling works, sorry, but, if you are here legally you should be helping by turning in the illegals that are in your neighborhood. The legal immigrants do not like the illegal immigrants.The legal immigrants are paying taxes on their earnings while the illegals are piling up 10 people in an apartment and sending our US dollars back home. Sadly, these states might have to wait another year or two just so their law can begin to take effect.  In the meantime, the unaccountable ACLU can use its unlimited funds to encumber other efforts to deal with the illegal invasion.

Indiana:  US District Court Judge Susan Barker blocked two provisions from Indiana’s watered down anti-illegal immigration bill, again, at the directive of the ACLU.  One provision would have authorized police to issue warrantless arrests of aliens who already have immigration court removal orders against them; the other would have made it a crime for anybody to accept matricula consular cards as a valid form of ID.

Utah: In March, Utah Governor Gary Herbert signed HB 497, a watered down version of SB 1070.  This bill would have required police to check the immigration status only of those arrested for felonies or class A misdemeanors.  In May, U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups issued an injunction against HB 497 at the request of…. you guessed it, the ACLU

Maryland: In April, the Maryland General Assembly passed their version of the Dream Act, offering in-state tuition rates at Maryland colleges to illegal aliens.  A small group of local activists shocked everyone by successfully garnering more than enough signatures for a petition to put the Dream Act as a referendum on the ballot in the 2012 election.  Concurrently, Illegal immigrant activists, led by the publicly funded CASA de Maryland, have received a copy of the contact information of all the petition signers from the Maryland Board of Elections.  They are now using that information to intimidate the activists, and demand that they renounce their signatures (definition of terrorism: the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. HMMMMM!!!)  The ACLU also plans to file suit challenging the online website that promoted the petition drive.

Nationally: While pro-criminal organizations are able to subvert the will of the people and block states from enforcing federal law, Barack Obama is preventing the federal government…. from implementing federal law (The enforcement of Federal laws is under the presidents job description in the Constitution. America has pussified in their ability to DEMAND that Federal law be enforced, the damn DEA raids medical marijuana dispenseries in states where maedical marijuana is legal. Is this a money issue with the illegals and Obama? NO!!! IT IS ALL FOR VOTES).  On June 17, Obama’s ICE Director John Morton issued a memo directing the federal immigration enforcement agents to grant amnesty to those illegals who would qualify to stay in the country under the Dream Act – a law that was rejected by members of both parties in Congress!  (This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and should be pursued by legal authorities, but, these Federal judges who can stop these acts of illegal law breaking, are too scared of the Federal government to do anything about it.) While this is unfortunately not a new occurrence for an administration that has a repugnant penchant for circumventing Congress through administrative fiat,(No one since Theodore Roosevelt has used this administrative tactic as much as Obama. And, at least, when Roosevelt used it, it was to create national monuments and parks.) one would think that it would circumvent Obama’s federal preemption argument.
      In other words, Obama is able to preempt the governmental body with real infinite power over immigration; the legislative branch, by nullifying the laws passed by Congress.  Yet, activist judges, who are compliant to the whims of pro-criminal organizations, are able to void state immigration laws on the premise that they are preempted by Obama’s executive branch which has made it federal policy not to enforce congressional immigration laws. How is he still in office? Shouldn't he have been impeached on the grounds of Constitutional violations? Derelict of duty?
     We must act and write, call, or email our members of Congress and urge them to support Rep. Lamar Smith’s bill to override Obama’s executive power grab of immigration law.  Rep. Smith will introduce the Hinder the Administration’s Legalization Temptation [HALT] Act (like the name?). The bill would prohibit the administration from granting parole, issuing deferred action, cancelling deportation orders, or promulgating any other form of amnesty.
     Most of us unsophisticated Americans can’t fathom the scrupulousness of these arguments propagated by the wizards of smart in the legal agitation business.  The average American cannot comprehend why a president can succeed with his aloofness toward illegal immigration, while states that desire to enforce our core laws are overpowered by the ACLU and the courts.
     And it’s not just the Neanderthal conservatives who think this way.  In Maryland, perhaps the most Democratic state in the country, one-third of the petitioners against the Dream Act are Democrats, helping propel the most auspicious petition drive in Maryland history to a stunning victory.
     Illegal immigration is one of those bread and butter issues that resonate with the commonsense intuition of non-elitist Americans.  Republican presidential candidates must take heed of the national landscape and political dynamic of the immigration issue – and promise to make enforcement a priority of their administration.  Not only is immigration enforcement good policy, it is good politics. Fortunately, most Americans still have an affinity for our laws, even if their interpretation is sullied by out-of-touch elites.
      Let us aid and abet the dissemination of the “news” about the new law’s provisions relating to the crime of aiding and abetting illegal immigration. Article 5 of the new law only allows prosecution for transporting, harboring, or otherwise aiding and abetting illegal immigration if they commit “another criminal offense” while “knowingly and intentionally” providing transport, harbor or other aid to an illegal alien, “with the intent of furthering the illegal presence” of the alien in the United States.
     There can be no accidental violation of the new state law, and one cannot be prosecuted for violating the new state law unless one is also in violation of “another criminal offense”. The main “other” offenses the state legislature had in mind are the federal laws that require non-citizens to carry green cards.
     The churches’ fears that they could possibly be charged with a crime for performing their regular ministries to clothe the naked and feed the hungry should be allayed unless they are intentionally participating in the import of illegals, knowingly hiring illegals or participating in activities designed to perpetrate a fraud on behalf of a known illegal. Moreover, Georgia’s new law exempts violations that would otherwise be illegal so long as one is “providing services to infants, children, or victims of crime”, among other broad exceptions.

Big Business joins the fear-mongers that loved pre-Georgia immigration law chaos?
     Did a veritable non-chaotic Garden of Eden exist above and below The Gnat Line (For those that do not know what the Gnat-Line is, It is arond Macon, Georgia, and it is where the sand gnats start to irritate the piss out of you. They fly in your eyes and buzz around your lips.) before the deal that Nathan wrought supposedly caused an 11,080 (not 11K+ mind you, but exactly 11,080) agriculture employee labor shortage only because the Party of Lincoln (The GOP) refused to consider the economic consequences of enforcing laws the federal government too often refuses to enforce? The big farmers can't get their crops picked, terrible, but if you paid more than $25 a day, you wouldn't be short-handed.
     Only if Paradise is characterized by overrun Towers of Babel in schools, prisons and public schools.  Only if rising energy and food prices and great recessions are the equivalent of nirvana. Georgia, the ninth largest state in terms of population, has the seventh largest illegal immigrant population.
Will Heaven-on-Earth obtain after all those on probation accept Nathan’s “deal” to pick fruits and vegetables? Would Big Ag be willing to pick up non-convicted and underpaid op-ed writers at designated pick-up points, so that next year they can’t wail that “all the crop was missed“?
Will banks follow President Obama’s advice and ban ATMs to get unemployment down to a re-electable level?
     As we sit here, not one nuclear family has been separated due to the new Georgia law which went into effect on July 1. Meanwhile, President Barack Obama boasts of record deportations since he took over INS from the Bush Administration.
     Yet, no demonstrations against the federal government? No editorials about Obama and the Democrats failure to consider the economic effects of their stimulus, debt, health care and immigration policies?
     Tsk, tsk you say, since, after all, President Hope and Change wants “comprehensive” immigration reform. Yes, and people in jail want out. President George W. Bush and Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) wanted the same in 2007, but were told by bi-partisan majorities that We the People demand border security first.
     Bush reluctantly began building the fence, albeit at a snail’s pace. One of Obama’s first acts as president was to squash the fence snail. Yet, not too long ago, our consensus-seeking Chief Executive traveled to El Paso, declared the fence “completed” and taunted Republicans as upping the ante for alligator-filled moats (which I think is a great idea. We could take all the dirt from the moat and build up the ground under New Orleans, God knows we don't want to have to deal with that kind of mess again.).
     There has been the two decades-long emigration of over 10% of the population of our Southern neighbor to the Lower Forty-Eight.
     As long as the Reagan Recovery and Clinton extension churned on, most Americans collectively yawned and winked at cheap labor. Only after September 11, 2001, did the most of us finally hear the wails of those suffering from low wages and communities lost to too-large influxes of non-English speakers, not to mention the kind of mayhem that has been foisted upon the Arizonas of the world.
     Most Americans don’t blame those that came here to seek a better life, but we are learning that the whole world can’t move to America and America remain a place that all want to move to. Good fences make good neighbors (there is a fence around the White House) and common sense, history testifies as to the justness of laws enforcing a nation’s borders.
     Moreover, the recession has revealed the dangers, and “chaos” if you will, of turning a blind eye to the rule of law that makes wealth creation and happiness pursuits possible, liberty ordered and life worth living.
     Most conservatives would consider amnesty after we see the fence Obama imagines and are assured that the next 20 million immigrants come at We the People’s choosing and that those that play by the rules to obtain full voting and other citizenship rights are not usurped by those that don’t abide the rule of law.
     Yes, some “chaos”  has resulted from the passage of the Georgia law. Greater chaos inspired its passage. Fear-mongering has too often characterized a debate that assumes that Georgia, rather than the federal government, is responsible for the slander of “illegal aliens” or that only illegals, and only after Georgia’s law is passed, could ever be asked to “show their papers”.
     Bullshit! I had to show my driver’s license to drink a Bud Light at the local pizza pub. Legal aliens are REQUIRED BY FEDERAL LAW TO CARRY TO CARRY THEIR GREEN CARDS AND TO PRESENT THEM UPON DEMAND OF A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. Stop and frisk law since Terry v Ohio allows inquiries as to identity upon mere “reasonable suspicion.” The federal law invites states to cooperate in the enforcement of federal immigration laws, especially including requiring businesses of 10 or more employees to use E-Verify.
     One of the most predictable effects of the debate over the law has been to confirm the arguments of those that have demonized Big Business as being conspirators in maintaining the status quo chaos for low-wage-fueled profit. The demonizers were right.
     But, was it predictable that so many of those that favored E-verify so as to make skin-color discrimination less likely (Since a Business exonerates itself from risk merely by clearing all job applicants via the E-verify system, rather than possible avoiding the risk by only hiring those with hues of the more pale or black variety?) are now part of the same fear-mongering mob?
     Choose your chaos.
     I really think that a fence is a great idea. There can be gates but, there also has to be gate keepers that will require the proper people be allowed through the gate and all violators should be prosecuted to the full extent of the laws of the United States. First, violation, two years of labor, tneh deprotation to the closest border. Second offebse, 5 years of labor and deportation. Third offense? Well, three strike rule baby, 20 years of labor, then deportation. English is our national language. All signs in any other language should be taken down. If you are here legally you will have learned english and be able to read. If you are a legal citizen of the US, then you are now an American. There should be no Cinco de Mayo celebrations or any other foriegn celebrations. All the little Mexican, Guatemalean, Libyian, and so forth flags will not be flown. If you don't like it then TAKE YOUR ASS BACK TO THE THIRD WORLD COUNTRY YOU CAME FROM!!!!!  THIS IS AMERICA!!!!! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!!!!!

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