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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Criminal "Rights"

     This is a sore subject with me. Criminal "rights." Since when does a criminal have rights. I understand the "cruel and unusual punishment." I do not agree with the cruel part, especially when it comes to murder. To me, if you are convicted of murder, and there is DNA proof of your guilt, well, good-bye. I will say that they should have one appeal. This appeal process should not take more than 6 months from the time of the original conviction and sentencing. Then, if the appeal does not overturn the conviction or the death sentence, the punishment will be carried out in two days. I want them to have the one day to sit and think about what they have done to families and to the victim. On that second day, the condemned prisoner will be awoken at 6:00 am. They will be allowed one last meal, a man of the cloth if they so desire, and a chance to give a video statement. At 12:00 high noon, the prisoner should be taken to a holding cell next to the death room. At 5:00 pm, the prisoner will enter the chamber and strapped to the electric chair. At 5:55 the curtain will be opened and the prisoner will be asked if he had any last words. At 6:00 pm, the hood will be placed on prisoners head and at 6:02 pm, the switch will be thrown. That is how it would be handled if I were to be the person who decided such things.
     The reason I am writing this blog this morning has to do with a debate I had, in a political discussion group I belong to on Face Book, about the US born Muslim cleric, who claims a dual US/Yeman citizenship, and the Federal government says that his right to privacy should be granted. Now, why in the Hell are we allowing this "American Terrorist" to have privacy? This man is a POW, because of his connections and help with the first three terrorist that entered the US in 2000, and would later be the pilot and two others that flew the airliner into the Pentagon on 9/11. There was a huge man hunt for the people that supported and aided these terrorists.
        Anwar al-Awlaki, is the first American on the CIA's kill or capture list, after 9/11. Al-Awlaki, the cleric, was the leader of a major Al Qaeda affiliate. The government has refused to release the records for the terror leader who is well known to be the first American that the U.S. government has green-lighted to be killed or captured. Well, the man is sitting in a cell and allowed to have his privacy. I am so sick of hearing how the Feds are so scared to offend a Muslim prisoner of war. They are POWs. Treat them according to the Geneva Convention, although they do not honor it, and let it go at that. Personally I am kind of partial to the water board, but, I understand we are trying to save money and don't want to run up the water bill.
     Liberals are in control of the government for now. So, do you really think that a conservative of any kind would be allowing this kind of bull shit to happen. It is clear cut liberalism that has gotten this country in the shape it is in. I guess since he is a Muslim cleric, we really shouldn't have in prison at all. Sure, we will keep him, but, I guess we should keep him at the Ritz Carlton. That seems to be the LIBERAL GOVERNMENTS way of handling any of the Muslim prisoners.
     Yes a conservative put us in this war, but why are we in it? Remember that bright sunny September morning? I remember it. VERY VIVIDLY. MY COUNTRY WAS ATTACKED AND 3000+ Americans died in one day. And our very conservative president promised that the people who were responsible would hear the war machine of America and they would pay. We went after bin Laden. Then because of the terrorist ties and supplies of Hussien, and the entire free world's intelligence said that there were WMDs in Iraq, so, away we went. We completed the job we went to do in Iraq and we should have left the week after Sadam was hung, sent those troops to Afghanistan and swept the entire country and we would have captured bin Laden before he could get to Pakistan. Well, that job is over, but, there we still are. We have already cleaned the Taliban out, so, we should already be home.
     In the meantime, our LIBERAL puppet of the UN decided we needed to go and screw with Libya. That job is over now too. But the LIBERALS are in control of the country which trickles all the way down to those men guarding the prison where there sits this scumbag terrorist cleric who needs his friggin privacy. 
    After 9/11, Anwar Al-Awlaki was a tier one, priority target for the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in San Diego because of his known contacts with the hijackers. A State Department agent assigned to the JTTF, Ray Fournier, put together an arrest warrant for passport fraud in 2002. As part of that fraud, al-Awlaki lied on his Social Security application claiming he was born in Yemen not New Mexico. At the time, there was not enough firm evidence to link the cleric to 9/11, so the passport fraud case was seen as a holding charge. 
     The cleric fraudulently obtained $20,000 in scholarship money to fund his college education in Colorado. Al-Awlaki, who is a dual U.S./Yemeni national, claimed to be a foreign student. As an American citizen, the cleric was not entitled to the scholarship paid for by the U.S. taxpayer. According to the agent who handled the case, the documents still exist and are held by the State Department. 
     The cleric was able to slip through the grasp of federal agents just one year after the 9/11 attacks. On Oct. 10, 2002, Al-Awlaki was held by Customs agents at JFK International airport for three hours until an FBI agent, Wade Ammerman, ordered the cleric's release, even though there was an active warrant for al-Awlaki's arrest on passport fraud. The FBI admitted they were trying to cultivate the cleric as an intelligence asset or, that at the very least, agents wanted to follow the cleric to gather intelligence. 
     Fox News asked the Defense Department to provide all documents, video or still photos of the cleric's lunch at th Pentagon in February 2002. Fox News was first to report that the cleric was hosted by the Office of General Counsel as part of the military's outreach to moderate Muslims. In 2002, there was virtually no vetting of the cleric who had contact with three of the five hijackers on Flight 77 that slammed into the Pentagon. At the time, al-Awlaki had already been interviewed at least four times by the FBI because of his suspicious contacts with the hijackers. 
     The House Homeland Security Committee launched an official investigation into the cleric -- whether he was an overlooked key player in the plot and whether he was an Al Qaeda operative from the beginning. The mainstream narrative is that al-Awlaki was radicalized after 2001, but evidence shows case that the cleric was at the center of a pre-9/11 support network. 
     So, why haven't we water boarded this scumbag, got his confession for all the bleeding heart liberals who will be screaming, "But he is an American citizen. He needs tried in civilian court." Bull shit, he had already said he was from Yemen. So, he is a traitor. He needs run through a military tribunal and handeled as I described at the beginning of the blog. Piss on his privacy, he is a traitor, you know like Benedict Arnold during the Revolutionary War.

     Next, is an unbelievable case of a civil lawsuit. An El Paso County jury on Friday awarded nearly $300,000 to the daughter of a burglar who was fatally shot in 2009 while breaking into an auto lot. A judge announced the jury’s verdict, capping a two-week-long civil trial in which business owner Jovan Milanovic and two relatives were painted as vigilantes who plotted a deadly ambush rather than let authorities deal with a string of recent burglaries. What happened to protecting your property? This scum bag was continuously breaking in and robbing the place. The owner, I do believe, have the right to protect his property under the US Constitution, I could be wrong, it may be under the Big Tattoo Daddy Book of Common Sense Law.
     The exact amount of the award was $269,500, for factors such as loss of companionship and loss of future earnings. The family will also be awarded some of the costs associated with the more than yearlong legal battle.
     Fox, 20, was shot after he and a friend scaled a fence to get inside Southwest Auto Sales at 2444 Platte Place in the city’s Knob Hill neighborhood. According to the accomplice, Brian Corbin, they had smoked methamphetamine and were looking to steal anything to buy more drugs. Meth heads. And now his family is rid of their problem son, who had probably already robbed his parents dry, and received $300,000, for raising a scumbag.
     Corbin testified he saw two armed men charge out of a building and run in their direction, one of them shouting “we’re gonna get you” in an obscenity-laced threat. Corbin, who escaped by climbing over a car and jumping a fence, said he felt a bullet pass by him as someone fired four gunshots.
Fox was standing inside a small shed when a .45-caliber rifle bullet passed through the shed’s door and pierced his heart.
     Police said that the intruder had knives in his pockets and one strapped to his ankle, but never posed a threat to Milanovic or the other men, his father Ljuban Milanovic and brother-in-law Srdjan Milanovic. The men are refugees who came to the United States from the former Yugoslavia in 1998.
     Jurors found that Fox’s death was the result of “willful and deliberate” conduct by Jovan Milanovic, who was accused of firing the rifle, and Novak, who supplied the semiautomatic Heckler & Koch that Milanovic used in the killing. Only Ljuban Milanovic emerged without a judgment against him.

     What has happened to justice in America? I say we have moved way too far down the liberal road to Hell. This needs to be reversed!

     Next is a really screwed up situation dealing with a child molester.
When convicted child molester William Sonju finished serving an 18 year prison sentence, he had to be released. He didn’t have to participate in treatment for pedophilia to earn his release. He didn’t have to stay in daily contact with a parole officer. There was no curfew to abide by and no home or job visits to ensure that Sonju wasn’t around children. In fact, Sonju, who was sent back to prison this year for again molesting children, was living in the same house as a young boy from the day he left prison in 2008, and authorities couldn’t do anything about it even though he was a registered sex offender.
     After he served his full sentence, Sonju moved in with the family of a prison friend — a grandmother and her young grandson — who needed help affording a place to live.Sonju lived with them in Wheat Ridge, registered there as a sex offender and went to work for a ministry.
     “Bill,” as his local church community came to know him, would pick children up from school in his ministry van, and would chaperone them on trips to see church plays and camping trips. The 10-year-old boy with whom Sonju lived gave him access to other children. Parents told Wheat Ridge Police that Sonju had taken their children to a motel and molested them during sleep-overs. Sonju also was accused of repeatedly assaulting the boy who lived with him.
     The former volunteer coach at the YMCA of the Pikes Peak Region was sentenced for his original crime in 1990, eight years before Colorado legislators passed a law that now all but guarantees sex offenders never get out of prison, and the few that do are kept under supervision for the rest of their lives.
      There are hundreds of sex offenders, either in prison or already released, who aren’t covered by the law.
In 1996 and 1997, 204 people were convicted of sexual assault on a child. The maximum sentence then was 12 years, so all are now free unless they’ve since been convicted of a crime. And, once those pre-1998 sex offenders have served their time, there’s not much that can be done to monitor them. While the 1998 law has changed that, it also threatens to overload the state’s prison and parole systems.
     Currently, there are 1,153 sex offenders serving lifetime supervision sentences in detention facilities in Colorado, and more being added each year. In 1999, one sex offender was under a lifetime supervision sentence. In 2010, 155 sex offenders were sentenced to possible life in prison. The Sex Offender Management Board has a team of 46 probation officers who work with lifetime supervision cases. Their case load is supposed to be limited to 25 cases each, but that’s already been exceeded. The law also requires sex offenders to pay for part of their treatment, but, for the past seven years, the state has had to pick up more and more of the costs.
     So, legalize marijuana and use the tax money to help pay this cost. Then there would be no more of those cases on the docket. When those already in prison, have finished their terms, the jails slowly but surely are emptying out of a lot of marijuana offenses. That would be a tremendous savings on housing and feeding of that type of prisoner. Havecomplete a drug class before release. Anyone caught smoking and driving would be charged with a DUI and go through the process same as drunk driving. The technology out today can detect how long it has been since you smoked. Set a time limit like the breath-a-lizer limits for alcohol.
     Then, in my opinion, a repeat offender of child molestation should be executed. The death penalty would have to be a case by case determination. If it is a guy who turns 18 and his girl friend is 16, he should not be listed as a molester, but, as a dumbass. I mean you can't destroy that kids entire life because he and his girlfriend are a couple years apart. The death penalty would be for the real molesters. The ones that prey on children under 16., unless true rape has occured, then they are tried as a rapist. Sexual predators are the filthiest people in our society, and they should never be allowed to become repeat offenders.
     In 2004, sex offender treatment programs and evaluations cost the state $720,667. Last year, it cost the state $2.2 million (marijuana tax money). Now these are numbers from only one state. imagine in all 50 states together. It is costing the taxpayers an un-Godly amount of money just to house these freaks. Adult sex offenders account for 5.5 percent of all offenders on probation Colorado, yet their treatment and evaluation accounts for 28 percent of the state’s budget for those programs.This is where the NO REPEAT OFFENDER RULE comes into play. While Colorado prison system strains to cover the costs of the growing population of inmates with open-ended sentences and parolees on lifetime supervision, there are still some offenders who remain under the radar.

     It is getting out of control. Why are there so many child molesters now? The internet and the influx of immigrants from countries where it is the norm for middle-aged men to be screwing children. In Mexico the men start trying screw girls at about 12-13 years old, it is a normal thing for m. It is not here in the US. If you move to our country you will abide by AMERICAN laws. I don't give a damn about the laws in your old country. If you have arrived here LEGALLY, you are now an AMERICAN, not a Mexican American, not an African American, not A Chinese American. All of your celebrations for independence of the old country stops once you decide to become a member of the American society.

      Well, that is my rant for today. Enjoy your weekend everyone. And remember, we are AMERICANS and should say the pledge of alliegence , sing God Bless America, and regain control of our Constitutional Republic, and OUR MORALITY.

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