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Friday, December 4, 2015

Executive Order #13603

When Obama signed Executive Order #13603, he gave himself the power to declare Martial Law at any time and for any reason. That means that at any time of his choosing between now and the 2016 elections, he can seize control of the country and remain in office indefinitely.

Think I'm exaggerating? Think it couldn't happen here?

Let me tell you. Obama has already grabbed powers that no American President has ever had.

In addition to giving himself Martial Law powers that completely bypass the U.S. Constitution -- and Congress... powers he can use to stay in office forever and impose on America the Socialist Workers' Paradise he's always dreamed of.

He also armed his Executive Branch minions with billions of rounds of ammunition, hundreds of thousands of guns -- and even armor-plated combat vehicles to patrol American streets!

He has also created SWAT teams right across the country who hide in plain sight in innocuous sounding departments like Education, Parks, and the Bureau of Engraving -- teams he can deploy to subdue us whenever he wants!

He's even built a town in Virginia -- complete down to the last streetlamp -- where these forces can practice subduing citizens -- like us! -- in typical American locations.

I am not making a word of this up. It's all absolutely true.

Obama has put all the pieces into position. He is ready to seize power -- and hang on to it -- at any minute. He will just declare a state of emergency and everything else will be put on hold -- including elections!

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