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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Save Fox News

Dear Fellow American,

They're desperate. They're backed into a corner.

And that makes them doubly dangerous!

The radical Left and the Obama Administration -- largely the same people -- know their time may be almost up.

And they are taking no chances.

Their very future hangs in the balance. They will do anything -- and everything -- to cling to power.

The radical Left and the Obama Administration are doubling down against FOX News from all sides.

They know they must get rid of FOX News before this next election or risk absolute disaster.

They can no longer afford to have anyone -- anyone -- tell the truth about their big government, liberty-killing agenda.

Shadowy leftist forces both within and outside of Washington are massing in strength and are moving in for the big kill while Obama's Department of Justice is spying on FOX News staff, using unconstitutional warrants and vague tales of criminality to study reporters' emails and phone records and organized boycotts of FOX News advertisers are working to starve FOX News out of existence.

Just like in Soviet Russia, the Left knows it must silence its opposition before it can brainwash the American people and force us down the path to socialism.
Liberals hate fair and balanced FOX News. It drives them insane. They hate to hear anything that doesn't parrot their leftist lines exactly.

And that's doubly so now that they fear losing their iron grip on power.

The 2014 elections were a wake-up call to them. Power is slipping from their grasp. They know they cannot allow that to happen.

Like generations of totalitarian leaders before them, they know that control of the media is essential if they are to brainwash the masses.

And FOX News is all that stands in their way. It really is. There is no other non-leftist TV news channel on the air. They already killed them all.
We must keep this one fair and balanced channel alive. And with the entire might of the massive leftist cabal arrayed against them, there is no time to lose.

You know how important FOX News is to regular Americans. It's the only one that chastises the government for spying on Americans, or refuses to bury scandals like the IRS and Benghazi. It's the only channel that discusses both conservative and liberal views. All the others are completely one-sided -- and tilt far to the left.

With FOX News, we know we'll get to hear the other point of view -- an antidote to the left wing propaganda pumped out by the ultra liberals at NBC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, CBS, and even ABC.

But the Left doesn't like a fair fight. They know they'll lose. So they call in the Liberal Elite.

Like Hungarian gazillionaire George Soros who wants the little people to live a perfect peasant life while he basks in his wealth and pulls the strings of Big Government.

Soros created a non-profit organization called Media Matters for the prime purpose of smashing FOX News without him getting his own hands dirty.

Glenn Beck called Soros, "the spooky dude" -- and he should know.

Glenn's FOX News show was driven off the air by an advertising boycott organized by Media Matters liberals.

We can't let them target another great broadcaster.

FOX News has to fight back, day after day, just to hang on to the advertisers that make the network commercially viable.

And what really sticks in my throat is the fact that Media Matters is a not-for-profit organization whose main purpose is to smash FOX News.

Its website is dedicated to getting FOX shut down and threatens FOX News advertisers with boycotts!

Yet because Media Matters has a special tax status as a "charitable" non-profit -- you and I get to support its hate attacks.

We must stop the man behind the machine that props up the far Left and his attempt to destroy America as we know it.

Media Matters, Mr. Soros, and their massive and well-funded left wing attack machine think they won a great victory by bullying sponsors into pulling their advertising from the Glenn Beck Show.

And now with their hold on power in danger, they are vowing to kill FOX News forever!

But we must show them that we will NOT tolerate the loss of great broadcasters like Sean Hannity, Megyn Kelly, Neil Cavuto, Colonel Oliver North and Bill O'Reilly.

We must show them that millions of Americans love the fair and balanced broadcasting of FOX News and that we will vote with our wallets to protect this valuable news source.

There's no time to lose. Media Matters, billionaire George Soros, the liberal elites -- even our own government! -- are all working flat out to silence FOX News.

There is no way we can afford to lose FOX News. Let's work together to keep fair and balanced reporting on our TVs!

Thank you for your support. I look forward to hearing from you very soon. 

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