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Friday, September 16, 2011

Multiculturalism in Europe: Is America Next to Bow to This Bullshit?

     Europe is finally awakening from its self-imposed Rip Van Winkle deep slumber to discover that multiculturalism is actually cultural rot and ripping its countries apart. From the United Kingdom to France to Spain to Germany, leaders or former leaders have decried multiculturalism as a poisonous experiment in their nations. What's next?  Will Europe discover the Earth is not flat?
     You have to wonder how these leaders could have ever signed on to encouraging Muslims to lead separate lives and not assimilate in the first place. Playing politically correct games like these always leads to death, destruction, and decay.
     The brain-dead politically correct facade of multiculturalism was directed primarily at Muslims, and everyone knows it.  European leaders were scared to be labeled as intolerant religious bigots by Muslims.  Their fear was misplaced.  They should have been vociferously condemning Muslims who wanted to be treated separately.
     Instead of condemning Muslim extremists, Europe instead condemned a Danish cartoonist who poked fun at Muhammad.  Free speech be damned.  The German government censured an author for writing a popular book that contended Muslim immigrants were lowering the intelligence of Germany.  Not to be outdone by the Europeans, the American media implied that those Americans who protested a mosque being built near Ground Zero in downtown Manhattan were bigoted and anti-Muslim.
     And while Europe and America to some extent were embracing multiculturalism, Muslims were murdering Christians and burning down their churches in Muslim countries.  (Let us not forget multiculturalism lesson No. 1:  Islam is the religion of peace.)
      As Europe imploded due to political correctness and doing its best to accommodate Muslims praying in the street and whatnot, many Muslims were, and still are, working hard to try and impose their religious/political customs, traditions, and values on these European nations and right here in America . 
Instead of encouraging Muslims to assimilate and embrace European culture, tradition, norms, and values, European leaders buried their head in the sand and ignored the problem. 
     The bold, unfiltered truth is that some Muslims are not in the least bit interested in assimilating and embracing Western traditions, values and, democracy.  Their goal is taking over and supplanting Islam as the mandatory religion and government.  These Muslims do not believe in universal, basic human rights such as women's equality, freedom of speech, the right of others to practice their faiths, and the rule of law.  The definition of Islam for these crazies is subjugation.  For Muslim extremists and radicals, Islam is about totalitarianism and enslavement, not freedom.
     President Nicolas Sarkozy of France recognized the dire consequences that multiculturalism has had on France when he recently stated, "If you come to France, you accept to melt into a single community, which is the national community.  And if you do not accept that, you cannot be welcome in France ."
     Hear, hear.
     British Prime Minister David Cameron recently said that multiculturalism is the cause of Muslim terrorism.  Whether or not Sarkozy, Cameron, and others actually get tough and do something to reverse the politically correct cultural suicide path their countries are on remains to be seen.  One thing is clear, however.  Now is their time to stand or fall.  The culture war is on whether they like it or not. If Europe really wants to get tough, its countries should outlaw Sharia law in all of its machinations.  Public funds should be immediately cut off from Muslim groups who refuse to condemn Muslim extremism.  Public condemnation by officials and others should be used against Muslims who preach separatism.  The Muslim clerics who preach jihad or hatred should be jailed or expelled, and their mosques closed.  Tougher immigration rules should be passed and enforced.
     Muslims should be free to practice their faith, but not free to impose it on others.  Democracy doesn't work that way.  When in England, act like the English.  That's the only respectful thing to do.  Embrace that or leave.

     Shariah Law's main "mouthpiece" and organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, has as its goal the downfall of the West and the establishment of a worldwide caliphate.Their motto is "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."     Middle East analyst Marwan Muasher declared: “The Muslim Brotherhood has been used for a long time as a scare tactic.” Then he half-heartedly added: “That is not to say they don’t have designs.” This militant spokesperson oversees research for the Middle East at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, funded by leftist multi-billionaire GEORGE SOROS, one of the leftist world’s most influential men, politically.
     According to “Soros is waging his own personal ideological war against America by shoveling seemingly limitless funds into organizations giving life to his ‘progressive’ vision of social justice.”
     “That vision, like the Muslim Brotherhood’s, identifies America and Israel as the ‘Great Satan’ and ‘Little Satan’ respectively, who must be demolished to pave the way for a purifying, redemptive utopia.”
     “Soros and his spokesmen like Muasher see opportunity in the unrest roiling in the Middle East and North Africa – opportunity to support the enemy. The numerous ties of Soros and his Shadow Party cohorts have been documented; they include the master puppeteer’s own Open Society Institute and various anti-Western Islamist groups in the revolutions. It has been confirmed, for instance, that the International Crisis Group (ICG), led in part by Soros, has long petitioned for the Egyptian government to ‘normalize’ ties with the previously banned Brotherhood.”
     The Muslim Brotherhood is gaining popularity by leaps and bounds in Egypt. Some say the election will show just exactly how strong they are in Egypt…..very strong!
With my heart and soul, I will stand against Mr. Soros, the Muslim Brotherhood and Shariah Law! This is literally a battle of survival for the integrity of the United States and our U.S. Constitution. But with the pro-Muslim leadership of Barack Hussein Obama, we must continue in this all-out war for the literal soul of America.
      I have made a very patriotic, serious decision to bring this fight to America! The Bill which outlaws foreign law from our U.S. Court system (H.R. 973) only has 56 co-sponsors. WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE THE OTHER 379 House Representatives in this fight?
     Do you know where your Representative stands in this very important piece of legislation? You need to find out! And quickly.
     What is H.R. 973? This is a simple, short bill designed to protect Americans from being forced under laws which we did not enact, but were enacted by foreign powers or foreign peoples. The motivation for this bill is primarily that the sponsors do not want judges to use Shariah law, but this bill would apply to any foreign law which judges might use to subvert the Constitution or the will of the people of the United States. We are a sovereign nation.

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