The reason your house is not regularly robbed is not because you lock your doors. It is because most people don’t steal. Sure, locking is a deterrent used to deter those on the fringes of society, but the main reason you are not attacked on the street, shops are not constantly looted and burnt down, and we all don’t take things that don’t belong to us is because someone, when we were little, taught us the difference between right and wrong.
Put a child in front of an insect and he will take great delight in making it suffer until his mother or father tells him that causing pain is wrong. Children need to be brought up properly with parents who care enough about them to say no, with a school system that cares enough to admit when behaviour is out of control, with a community that recognises that we are ALL responsible for our children.
Many of the mindless thugs that walk around the malls and streets don’t think more than 10 minutes into the future. They think that stealing is ‘fun’, not even considering that it might be wrong. Many of them are, quite literally, unable to read and write: 17 percent of 15-year-olds are functionally illiterate. If you de-educate an entire generation, if you constantly make excuses for their behaviour, if you never teach them the difference between right and wrong, then chaos is what you reap. These young people are just implementing what they’ve learnt at school!
Teachers can only keep the peace in the classroom because they have established authority. Where there is order in classrooms, children show respect because they have been taught to respect teachers. ONE teacher can therefore command the respect of hundreds of children. It is the same with the police and order in society. The police cannot hope to outnumber the thugs. As a civilised society, we rely on a sense of morality in our people to keep the order. How did the Japanese survive their recent nuclear disaster? They queued quietly for food and help, and waited. They didn’t say ‘ME ME ME’! Do young people wear hoodies in Japan? Do Japanese children question their teacher’s authority? Do Japanese adults defend the appalling behaviour of their youth? NO.
It is a disgrace. What would happen if the teacher left her classroom and said that she was ‘keeping a close eye on things from her home’?
Certainly, Jens Breivik, father of the Norway bomber, was absent during his son’s childhood. He refused to see his 16-year-old son because he ‘wasn’t ready’ (whatever that means). Jens Breivik, rather than feeling remorse for having failed as a father, was only interested in his own reputation when the appalling Norway killings took place. But when if you criticise him, you would be shot down by ordinary people. White parents say that they are unable to speak about black absent fathers because they’re white. Fine. But is Jens Breivik black? Yet no one was willing to be critical of his questionable parenting. Parents teach their children the difference between right and wrong. If they are absent, then the child grows up without a moral compass.
These kids are responsible for their behaviour but so are their parents who sit at home, knowing their children are out there looking forward to the time without the kids. I am so angry, so ashamed, so utterly dismayed. I was an absent father, but I did stay in contact with my three girls and even had each one of them move in with me as they were in high school. All three graduated and have moved on to be half-way descent citizens. They don't steal, rob, or deal drugs. That is a miracle in today's "I Don't Care Society."
Yesterday, a 17 year old CHILD showed up to school with a pistol. He had no reason to fear for his life, so why would he think he could bring a pistol to school? When his father, who is not involved in the child's life, was asked about the situation, his response was "It doesn't surprise me." So, the parents KNEW he was a thug, but they did not care.
Over the weekend 300+ kids were attacking people as the exited the Wisconsin State Fair. Where were these parents? At home chilling, while their CHILDREN were being domestic terrorists. Now the city of Philadelphia has imposed a curfew for the weekends. WHY? Because the CHILDREN of the city are having FLASH MOBS and destroying public property. So, I guess what I am saying is it is up to EVERYONE to straighten these CHILDREN out.
If we see a thug doing shady activities, either say something to them, their parents, or the police. Until we have the youth acting responsibly and respectively, we will continue to have problems. It is not up to the schools to teach children right and wrong. It is up to us as parents or neighbors to help raise children to be functional citizens.
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