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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Second - Term Plans Part I

Second-Term Policies of B. H. Obama

There are secret plans that President Obama and his cronies do not want the sheep to know. He is at the front of the progressive socialist movement.

All the main areas of domestic policy are covered – jobs, salaries, health-care, immigration, electoral reform, and a national energy policy. Each of these plans are attempts to remake America into a government-dominated socialist state.
Most Americans have a broad sense of the Obama administration’s agenda. Obama has been clear he would use the second-term to ensure the implementation of Obamacare and the “reform” of our economic sector. He has stated that he would attempt the central goal of progressive-style immigration reform, as well.
These generalized ambitions don’t even scratch the surface of the specific and radical assault that has been planned for OUR country. Here is a list of a few specific plans in the second-term agenda.
Detailed plans to enact single-payer healthcare legislation controlled by the Federal government, despite any Supreme Court decision to overturn ObamacareA re-creation of FDR’s Works Progress Administration (WPA) program within the Department of Labor that would oversee a massive NEW bureaucracy and millions of new FEDERAL jobs. A further gutting of the US military in unbelievable ways. Using the “savings” from these military cuts to fund a new “GREEN” stimulus program. The founding of a FEDERAL “GREEN” BANK to fund “environmentally safe” friendly projects.
The US military will be spread even thinner than it will normally be when our troops are going to be policing “GLOBAL WARMING,” this is no joke. Obama will be able to deploy troops to anywhere in the world, all we have to do is say that the country we want to invade is expending too much electricity, a factory is producing greenhouse gases. Basically we will be the world-wide EPA. Also to be used to fight “GLOBAL POVERTY,” remedy “injustice,” BOLSTER the UN. And step up use of UN “PEACEKEEPING” deployment of US troops.
An expansive NEW amnesty program for illegal immigrants linked to a REDUCTION in our US Border Patrol with plans to bring in untold numbers of NEW immigrants. with the removal of caps on H-1B visas and “green cards.
This is only a taste of what is in the Obama second-term agenda. Many of these plans are in plain-sight. These plans were drawn up, so-to-speak, by progressive think tanks, progressive organizations, and activists. Found in extensive research and policy papers. Many times, the plan at hand was only gradually introduced into legislation pushed by the progressive Democrats. Then progressive marketing strategists are brought in to sell the plan to the American public.
Obama has close personal ties with Bill Ayers (Domestic terrorist), the PLO, anti-Israel professor Rashid Khalidi and plenty of other nearly lifetime ties to radical groups and anti-American personalities such as ACORN; the nation of Islam; and the SEIU, Service Employees International Union. HAMAS endorsed his first run in 2008.
His “Green Jobs Czar,” Van Jones, had founded a communist organization – which was picked up by Glenn Beck and Fox News and led to Van Jones’ resignation.

Then there is the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) both are Obama think tanks. The CAP has a LOT of influence in the framing of the Obama policy. TIME magazine even called CAP Obama’s “idea factory.” The IPS is a policy group infamous for its Cold War support of the Soviet Union and its long-standing crusade to diminish our military as they were pushing to eliminate our nuclear arsenal. Obama’s Sustainable Defense Taskforce (SDT) has recommended a cut of $1 TRILLION over the next ten years.
Of immediate concern is the stated object of transforming our soldiers into stress conflict resolution and diplomacy. The resolution of conflict by non-military means – diplomacy, economic aid, technical assistance – is the proper focus other government agencies. They call for an immediate reduction in military spending. But any spending that funds “ALTERNATIVE ENERGY” or that focuses Defense Department resources on combating “climate change as a national security threat.”
CAP and IPS recommend a 20 percent cut on the number of boots on the ground around the planet. Reduce the Navy’s surface fleet by 20 percent, to include two carriers and carrier combat air wings. Reduce the Air Force by two air wings. They want to cut the standing overseas deployments in Europe and East Asia by up to 50,000 troops at a time. They claim that there would be a savings of $21 billion if we cut our nuclear arsenal to 292 deployed nuclear weapons and completely eliminating the Trident II program. They also want to cease all development of new missile defenses. Yep, who needs a defense against missiles as Iran is building nuclear weapons, which, once they announce they have nuclear capability, it will start an arms race in the Middle East! Now that will be fun! These think tanks want Obama to invest our taxpayer money into “green energy”, such as Solyndra.
They have concocted a plan to take away budget control from Congress – where it is vested by the US Constitution - and place the military budget in the hands of an “independent panel.” A Select Committee on National Security and International Affairs, to check our overall security needs and the best balance of tools to achieve them. It could be given the power to make changes to the committee’s own structure.
There will be a change in the role of our troops. They complain that since 9/11, the role of the military has changed to a job of fighting global warming, global poverty, remedy injustice, bolster the UN, and increase “peacekeeping” forces around the world.
These same think tanks also agree that Obama needing to re-instate the anti-free speech Fairness Doctrine aimed at shutting up some of Obama’s global warming theory challengers. It that all subjects on the radio be treated in a balanced manner, giving equal time to both sides of the matter.
Trust me when I say this has barely scratched the surface.
If the main stream media won’t tell the truth, I will!!!! He has won the re- election, but how long can he remain in office as truth seeps out?

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